How do you cope whit day to day work?
I have a job I hate and gives me just enough to live but quitting isn't an option and changing jobs isn't either…man it sucks to be South American
Everyone at my workplace agrees we get fucked. We're underpaid, raises suck, we're overworked and our equipment is dangerously under maintained. I've asked here about how to actually form a union and I was told to gauge support. I asked some coworkers I thought for certain would support the idea but they got cold feet. We're worried about paying dues and getting fired for trying to take part or having the shop shut down. Should I just give up here? I think it'd do a lot of good but no one besides me and one other person actually want to go for it.
The American Dream Doesn’t Exist
I really hate to see people on here hurting so badly. Americans don't deserve this. Politicians are outright stealing from us, and we can't do anything to stop it. Now they're exploiting us for even greater profit than before. I have no issue with a person who wants to make money, I have an issue with someone who makes money off of the suffering and hurt of their fellow countrymen. America is a great place to live, but Americans are in a really terrible spot. This can't keep going on like this, or there won't be an America to hold on to and fight for. We deserve better.