I mean like no sh*t
Ok so I'm a little worried about the hate i'll get here for this, since antiwork seems to be somewhat more about hating rich people and hating corporate management than hating work, but here goes: I (39M, if it matters) was a lawyer for about 10 years before getting laid off in the pandemic near the end of 2020. Almost instantly all the anxiety and low-level mental health issues i've been having for years disappeared. LIke within 10 days. It was amazing. I started going to school full time this year, in 2022, to train for a new career after a year-plus of travel and sitting around at home and enjoying the wonderful pandemic unemployment benefits. And i'm really realizing that OMG I LOVE NOT WORKING SO MUCH. Like, I basically there's nothing in any given day that I don't want to do. LIke sometimes I have to clean the…
Neither party cares about you
Astoundingly this must needs be said apparently but they are playing you and they do it together. But the Democrats support X reform policy or Y special interest Sure, maybe but when does tentative support amongst Democrats ever lead to anything being done unless that tentative support is for selling foreigners weapons or bombing them? The two parties and the federal constitution of 1787 which empowers their game are, by design, meant to empower a wealthy few at the top while keeping us proles passive. The two parties serve this interest by providing capital with two factions to switch between in the course of their class exploitation. The Republicans are their gas pedal for exploitation while the Democrats are their break pedal. They don't actually intend to slow down the exploitation in any meaningful way, only enough to give the distressed proles the impression that this new democratic administration “hears…
A line from a documentary called “American Movie”. Makes you really think what went wrong.