
My manager said that she doesn’t think I know our PMS (property management software) well enough, because I use the mouse to navigate it.

For those of you in the know the PMS in question is OPERA. I've been using the system for the past 6 years and while I might not know all of its ins and outs I consider myself fairly proficient with it. I was on shift with the Reception manager the other day, when she said to me “You know for someone who's been working with OPERA for 5+ years, you really don't know it all that well, do you?” After it took me a few minutes to shake off the initial confusion, I asked her what she had meant as I had never considered my knowledge of the system a problem, to which she replied “Well I keep seeing you using the mouse to navigate. Someone who's been using OPERA for as long as you have should only be using keyboard short cuts by now.” Looks like I have…


What we are meant to do

What do you think us as humans are really supposed to be doing with our lives besides work. Everyone has their own opinions I want to hear yours!


The difference between low paying jobs in the US vs a developing country is insane.

I’ve never realized this before browsing this subreddit. A lot of posts come from retail or fast food workers complaining about earning on average 16$ an hour. In my country, an average McDonald’s employee makes about 4$ an hour. Mind you that my country is the most expensive in the region. For comparison, here a ps5 is about 1200$, a Big Mac costs around 13$. I’m not saying you guys have nothing to complain about, if anything, I’m pointing out that There’s a lot of work to be done to get fairer wages!


“You say millionaire like it’s a good thing…”


Hereby I lay thy tray of suffering, write upon me thy most miserable creeds and bows, for master has no power over thy soul. Basically, write whatever the fuck you want here as a rant.


“If You’re Getting a W-2, You’re a Sucker” | There are many differences between the rich and the rest of us, but one of the most consequential for your taxes is whether most of your income comes from wages.


Thought this belonged here. german laws protect the employee much more in case of wrongful termination.


This “Entry Level” bs needs to stop.


Am I the crazy one here, or are the responses to this post about servers not liking customers who order small amounts indicative of everything that’s wrong with a tipping culture where servers are not paid enough by their employers leading to a reliance on tips, and a worse experience for everyone?


From a few weeks ago but thought it would fit here. A woman complains about shitty coworkers and the pointlessness of going back to the office and basically gets gaslit. And this is supposedly a left wing paper.