For those of you in the know the PMS in question is OPERA. I've been using the system for the past 6 years and while I might not know all of its ins and outs I consider myself fairly proficient with it. I was on shift with the Reception manager the other day, when she said to me “You know for someone who's been working with OPERA for 5+ years, you really don't know it all that well, do you?” After it took me a few minutes to shake off the initial confusion, I asked her what she had meant as I had never considered my knowledge of the system a problem, to which she replied “Well I keep seeing you using the mouse to navigate. Someone who's been using OPERA for as long as you have should only be using keyboard short cuts by now.” Looks like I have…
What we are meant to do
What do you think us as humans are really supposed to be doing with our lives besides work. Everyone has their own opinions I want to hear yours!
I’ve never realized this before browsing this subreddit. A lot of posts come from retail or fast food workers complaining about earning on average 16$ an hour. In my country, an average McDonald’s employee makes about 4$ an hour. Mind you that my country is the most expensive in the region. For comparison, here a ps5 is about 1200$, a Big Mac costs around 13$. I’m not saying you guys have nothing to complain about, if anything, I’m pointing out that There’s a lot of work to be done to get fairer wages!