Two years ago, I would've been doing the same thing I'm doing now. That is, batching on reddit about how my life isn't fair. I was living at home with my parents, no girlfriend, no job, no healthy lifestyle of any kind, and wasted my days playing videogames. Fast forward to today, my life looks a lot different. I became so tired of hearing about how my depression and loneliness was due to my lack of contribution to society. I was tired of hearing that I needed to get out more. So, I decided to participate, play the capitalistic game that everyone seems to enjoy so much. Here's what I managed to do in a year and four months, with my own ability, no handouts, no support: A fiance Went from pharmacy tech at CVS to Chief Marketing Officer for a digital marketing agency (with side hustle as a professor)…
Basically someone was reaching out to to the community asking for people to apply at a pizza place because they liked the pizza but the store was open for fewer and fewer hours. I simply asked “do they pay well? what is the management like? if they are struggling to find staff there is probably a reason for it” The old people in my community (which is basically a retirement community since everyone here is 60+ and my home is a 200k house that we lucked out on even being able to buy) did NOT like that. A guy argued with me up and down that people are just lazy and don't want to work and that workers at a pizza place are entitled for wanting anything more than minimum wage. I pointed out that both employers and landlords take advantage of workers and that since he's retired he shouldn't…
Today I stole from my company.
Today, I doubled my salary by taking an offer from another company. I was making ~50k and today I received an offer for ~100k. Finally, I was done dealing with terrible management, and unreasonable work expectations loaded onto me. I was given the interview today and blew them away . . . so much so that I received an offer in less than an hour for the role. However, after the interview, my boss called me to let me know my performance was great and I would receive a $3,000 bonus in a few days. I thanked him and talked about my future performance with the company (not intending to do). I will put my 2 week notice in shortly, so hopefully this is enough time for the check to clear!
Ugh. My guess is 2019-2021 is worse
Rant: I hate “work hours” culture
I was told today “well there’s nothing in your contract about hours but we expect you to be around when we need you” Okay, I finished my entire workload for the week in 4 hours. Now I spend the rest of the week doing literally nothing, luckily I wfh so I don’t have to commute . But they are literally paying me to be NEAR my computer in case some emergency arises. But my friends working construction busting their ass every minute have to fight for overtime/proper payouts. I’m not posting this bragging or any of that shit, I’m posting this because this is fucking ridiculous. I’m not special. I stumbled into this job. And yeah I am pretty good at it, but guess what? So would be a fucking monkey. What pisses me off the most is that I worked 7 years at a winery. Literally digging dirt, cutting…