Awkward moment with my old manager
Just a funny story I thought you all would appreciate. So, I used to work as a receptionist at a veterinary hospital. I was looking for a better opportunity because I only made 13 an hour and they did not respect my availability. anyway, I used one of those websites (Glassdoor I believe). And, for this website, they require you to write a review for your workplace in order to use it. So I had to write a review in order to use this site to look for jobs. So I did, I wrote an anonymous review of the veterinary hospital about how it is to work there. I wasn't too harsh, but I was honest about a few areas that could be improved, and also mentioned that many employees there are very rude. Anyway, flash forward to our monthly meeting, my manager stands up with the review printed out,…
Every year you get a raise lower than inflation — that's a pay cut. Every year you get a raise equal to inflation — that's not a true raise, that's a cost of living increase and should be mandatory. Individual merit, productivity, and performance means nothing anymore, so please remember to give your employers massive amounts of shit this year when they inevitably offer you a pay cut as a raise.