So you're low on staff, new hires work out the situation and usually quit after a week when they realize they're actually doing the work of about 5 people. Do you, A) Hire more staff B) Hold an afterwork BBQ Yes it was B… and hilariously they're annoyed no one has put their name down for it yet… it's so bad it's hilarious and makes my head spin!
We all know by now that employers like to act like we are committing some great sin by discussing wages and that many people are intimidated into thinking they can be punished for it. But what other rights do employees have that they’re commonly led to think they don’t have?
So i recently had a talk with management and they told me the following: ” you do what you have to do, but no more. show initiative, be productive, be here with yoir heart or don't you want to be successful? it sems like you only come in for your paycheck.” i do, in fact, only come in for my paycheck. i have a private life, i have hobbies, i don't want to spend all my time doing something useless just to be” successful”. i do my job, you give me my money, simple as that.
Corporate Policy
In high school, it was explained to me how Japanese companies treated employees like family, building relationships and earning trust that led many workers to spend a lifetime with just a single employer. Amazing. Bexolon Healthcare in Chicago was my employer out of college. All the new-hire computer programmers in the Information Technology (IT) department went through an introductory training class for three summer months, where they taught us the technical environment at Bexolon and tested our COBOL programming skills so we were ready to join our teams in the fall. It was soon apparent that Marcia was the best—even better than me. Imagine my shock when Marcia was fired only a few months later. Why? Layoffs. But why would they lay off the best person in our class rather than the worst? Faith still had her job. What was going on? It was then I understood that American companies…
3+ hours with 3 different interviews. They strung her along saying she was still the top candidate and they're working on finishing interviews. Then the above happens which basically means they were planning to do this all along and thought they'd waste people's time. What the fuck is wrong with these people? At least when my shithole company wants to promote internally, they don't post it publicly. Why do these corporate clowns think they can just waste hours of people's lives for nothing?
I've been feeling extremely overwhelmed and depressed because of work lately. A coworker asked if I put in my notice the day after I casually told my boss I was looking for a new job when yet another coworker put in her notice due to the workload and overall treatment. She fubbed up her words and said that the administrator told her I put in my notice. So I asked him if that's what happened(this is my first job) and to my relief he said no, that he was just asking if I had. Then he asks why I'm leaving. I said that the workload is overbearing and the 8hr day is too much for me, that 15$ an hr for this job is practically an insult(but what I said was I needed more money) and to get him off my back I peppered in that I want to go…
So I work for a corporate company, and our last manager was adamant that we use slack on our personal phones so they can message us at any time, and expect us to read and like everything that’s posted. However, when we message them or comment on anything, we get reprimanded and told that it’s not an appropriate place to post anything. Today, I messaged my manager on slack saying I was sick at like 6am (I think mild food poisoning) because I don’t think it’s appropriate to text let alone call someone at 6am (the business opens at 8) and the shift manager texts me a few hours later saying I can’t do that, and that they count it as no call no show because I didn’t text or call the other manager. Today, I deleted slack and my work email off my phone. Today, I stopped caring what…