
The Simpsons showed it already years ago how many Taxes the companies are paying


Contract in retail environment


Working yourself to death is bullshit


What exactly are we doing shit for?


Boss V Leader


entertainment programs should pause to bring attention to the Ukrainian war


Fired twice in six months.

Unfortunately, I have wound up on anti work, desperately just wanting to work. I was terminated from 2 jobs since the beginning of September last year, and I am beginning to feel like a lost cause. Both times I was let go in a disturbingly similar manner. The first was an utter shock. I was being told by my laboratory manager how great my contribution to the team was exactly 1 hour before having my exit interview. During the interview, the senior lab tech, who I thought I had befriended, said I was being let go based on performance. I was shaking, confused, and spiraling. I asked him to elaborate, since I had done nothing but do my best, and he said, “Low motivation, I wasn’t grasping concepts, and I just didn’t belong there”. This felt like a stab in the gut. I was constantly asking to do more work,…


Why do so many idolize our evil overlords?

Why do so many people idolize the Elon Musks of the world? The oligarchs, the billionaires? Do you think you will someday be one of them? They seem to get a free pass because they create thousands of barely subsistence wage deadend jobs! They don't give a shit about their employees, health or safety or if they can afford rent or food–while they get away with not paying taxes. Thay are laughing all the way to the bank because our current system praises them, enriches them and keeps the rank and file workers down. When will people see that this type of capitalism is a toxic system and must stop?


An outlook from someone who is mentally cut throat in corporate America.

I’m a sociopath, I was diagnosed with ASPD., and also a business owner, granted I treat my employees good from what they say, but I run my company from a productive mindset, not a financial mindset, but ether way I am an extremely apathetic self centered person. People with ASPD are much more likely to be CEO’s lawyers, and so on. Prison too, but still. So here is a prospective, if I was your self centered asshole boss. First off, you can quit all day long, the worst case scenario, they would have to use a staffing company like pride staff, or other ones. We have a population of 300+ million, and since Reagan gutted unions, and implemented right to work laws and employment at will, bosses treat their employees how they view their employees….which is expendable. Even with the birth rate down, which is every developed nation, 300+ million…


Workers need Unions: “collective-bargaining” and “meet & confer” are important