
Tenha um CNPJ


Just got rejected because of holiday plans.

Last week participated in an application for a full-time job. For this I had an interview of one hour, then I had to solve a case and another assessment of an hour and a half with all kinds of questions. ​ Fast forward to today, the recruiter calls me and tells me that I have not been hired because I have planned a longer vacation of 5 weeks in October. According to the terms of employment, I am entitled to 5 weeks of vacation. (Europe) But I am not allowed to take them consecutively…. ​ I'm saving the best for last, because they do want me to contact them so I might be able to start after my vacation. ​ TL:DR Application got rejected because of planned holiday.


I have an in-person Interview in an hour and a half. What are some tips that helped you?


As a European who’s reading all of your testimonies every single day…why don’t you start a revolution?

I know what you're going to say, and maybe you're right: “why don't you start a revolution too, in your own country?” Well the funny thing is, despite us not having it as bad as you guys, we're pretty close. You guys remember the “gilets jaunes” in France? I can tell you, Macron was known to have shit his pants during this entire thing which got us very very close to a civil war. I don't know how it was painted in the USA, but I can tell you that it was very close to a revolution, and most people in France would agree that it was only a prelude to something much bigger that will eventually happen. In other words, it's bad, really bad. I haven't seen something of that magnitude yet (although there was the black lives matter thingy, but that's not the same thing imo) happen in…


I thought we were trading haircut suggestions…

About 15 years ago I worked for Healthcare Services Group in Florida. They're a subcontractor that works in nursing homes running the day-to-day housekeeping operations, Etc. I was a housekeeping manager and after a couple years of breaking my back for the company with little to show for it (the norm for most of their employees) I guess I'd just run out of Fks to give when it came to dealing with upper management. Anyhow, I'm at work one day doing my job plus the job of someone who called out (basically a normal day), hustling down a hallway with a double armful of supplies when I passed my district manager, Dale G., giving a tour to one of the big-wig VPs of the company. I nodded in greeting as I passed so as to not interrupt their conversation when Dale (who I should pause to point out suffered from…


[Shakespeare: The Animated Tales] Julius Caesar


Father Richard Rohr’s Contemplative Backdoor To Antiwork Praxis


My company had a job fair

This happened at work recently and I thought it would be appropriate to share here. The company that I work for has been struggling to attract and retain staff since COVID began. The director of the company decided that the best way to combat this staffing shortage was to hold a a job fair to get more applicants. (Instead of, you know paying a living wage or not labeling 90% of the staff as “part time” to avoid paying for benefits. But what do I know, I’m just a minor cog in the machine.) The company rented out several ballrooms at a fancy hotel and spent hundreds of man hours setting up tablets with the appropriate HR software, making flyers, setting up tables, ensuring that there was a overflow process in place in case they were flooded with applicants, etc. Because, you know, the public is just WAITING to apply…


Did not get a single dollar raise. Not even to match the inflation.

I have been working at this company for over a year now. I am baffled at the fact that they did not increase my paycheck by a single dollar. Not even to match inflation. On top of that they want me to start going back to the office eventhough gas prices are, as you all know, at an all time high. That is essentially like a pay decrease. I was never the most productive employee but I did do my part and put in an efford during deadlines or when needed. My motivation to even try has completely vanished.


Tried posting this in another but didn’t realise comments were locked. Shit boss has no idea how to manage employees but insists on micromanaging anyway.

First time I tried to call in sick at my current job was after I had already been working there for over a year – no sick days taken before then. Texted my boss, who said I was leaving him understaffed and to try come in anyway. It was the weekend and I had started feeling a little better by late morning, so not wanting to leave them short staffed I decide to suck it up and do the 50 minute commute to the shop. Upon arrival I find out he hadn't bothered checking the rota, and that a mistake had been made that meant we were in fact OVER staffed by one person that day. My absence would have meant that they would have had the normal number of employees for a weekend shift. He ended up sending another employee home to get us back to the correct number…