
I need help writing a counter offer letter

I'm in the US. I finally heard back from HR. Long story short, I was full time for nearly a year, and went down to part time. They have essentially offered me a brand new position, not even fully created, in more of a leadership and training roll that would bring me back to full time. I'll be picking up some duties from higher ups and leaning into training new hires. My original starting pay was 48.5K. This was also an entry level position, I had no degree but went through their six week training program and that's what they started me at. I've been here almost a year and a half, and am taking on this leadership roll. They have offered me 4k more than what I was making. Which at first seems decent, except inflation has risen 12% from when I started to today. So really the starting…


I know you all love toxic work environments! Here’s a job description for a previous employer where I was an unpaid intern. (1/2)


If you do not want to be a wage slave leave the US.

I have seen a lot of the content in here for the past months. I know that everybody has different situations, but for a lot of you people living outside the US would be a great option. Canada or Europe are good options BUT there also I have another proposition: Go south America. A lot of the countries here have a very easy going life if you have even few money. Personally I live in Colombia working half time from home as a software developer. 1.5k a month here is a lot of money. So much money in fact that is pretty good life. Health cost are almost non existent (50usd a month for the basic that covers everything and 150usd for the premium service). Going out every other day, a good car, traveling, a nice 70m2 apartment, etc. If you can work remotely this can be a game changer.…


Company closed local office and laid off entire staff just to open office a couple hours away with exact same positions in a different city

Rant I guess – I’m so glad I found this community. My previous employer – to whom I dedicated heart and soul for 4.5 years – closed our local office and laid off/lost all employees – three resigned before the office closed, one retired, myself and one other continued to work virtually for a few months longer. That other employee left six weeks before I went on leave. I agreed to transfer to another city after returning to work following planned medical leave, but during medical leave decided that uprooting my family wasn’t worth the money or career and told them so. That effectively ended my employment before returning to work from leave. I requested unemployment which they denied. Legally they could. I lost the job in the other city when I decided not to relocate and although they paid unemployment for the other workers who requested it, they did…


Short rant

I’ve worked at my store for nearly 3 years now and I used to care so much about my job. I used to literally run back to get items or whatever for customers and I was always going above and beyond whenever I was able to. Eventually I wrote a full page back and front of suggestions that I thought could improve the store. I handed it to my supervisor who promptly handed it back citing the formatting as an issue. The formatting on a scrap piece of paper containing brainstormed ideas…Anyways I digress, that was the first time in those 3 years where I felt truly unheard. Even after that I continued to try to do my best day after day working as fast as I can. Recently I had another interaction with my manager and it was in this interaction that I completed lost all drive, desire, and…



Tips for the acumax assessment?

So from what I understand it requires you to choose words to describe your expected self and then choose words to describe your actual self. How the hell do I make myself seem genuine yet also what they want if I'm an introvert? It hurts my brain. Anyone ever take this? Tips?


Help me chose between 3 Jobs offer

Hi I have moved to a new city and has applied to many jobs, but three of them have asked me to join their company, all three of these jobs are close to me, Job 1 – MON to FRI 7 AM TO 3.30 PM $16 CAD Job 2 – MON to FRI 4 PM to 12 AM $18CAD Job 3 SUN to TUE 6 AM TO 7 PM 18$ CAD Please note all these jobs are general labour standards.


Mental Disorder bias

Today I was told by my supervisor that despite having several mental disorders, and side effects of the medications for it, that I just have to “push through” and “make it work” all for what? To make someone not have to wait an additional 30 seconds for service. I've been on the verge of a breakdown for several days and tried explaining that with that compounded with my disorders that it is making work very difficult but am met with the same “do better”


How hectic is it working remote for a call center?

I hear people say that working for a call center can be hell. But I've also come across comments where people have 45 min break between calls, have a few calls in between, or get 5 calls a day. I don't mind doing a job like that if it were work from home but get a few calls here and there. Are remote call center jobs really that bad?