What radicalized me: My great-grandfather was a mechanic and hobbyist automotive inventor. His vehicles were always really neat, and he built multiple from the ground up. In 1974, he invented a way to get 70 mpg. It was a cheap fix. He did it on all his cars, and he did it for all of his friends and family, and he did it for free (they just had to pay for the parts). Standard Oil came to the door and offered to buy his patent from him once they caught wind. He told them he didn't have a patent on it, that it was just something free and open to help out people (he was definitely a “help the most people you can” kind of person.) They left. Later, “different” people came back, knocking in the night, when he answered the door, they barged in and and threatened him with…
Quitting my job to travel
This might not be the right sub for this post but I figured people here would have a few words of wisdom. I currently just finished my 3rd year of college (been almost a full time worker while being a full time student, about 26-30 hours a week along with school) and I’m seriously debating quitting my job and not working all summer so I can travel and do what I’d like for once. I’ve been working 5 days a week and haven’t been on a major vacation since before the pandemic and I’m getting desperate for new scenery lol. I currently have about 15k in savings with no student loans and my only debt is a $170 car payment every month. Am I stupid for quitting my job or should I send it
This company had a whole lot of red flags, the guy seemed to take genuine enjoyment in punishing employees (laughing about not allowing “lazy employees” to get vacation). The rule they had was about not discussing compensation with other employees. I would later email them and tell them so. Other red flags include: -No benefits til after a year -Vacation earned by being a “good employee” (not by time working) -If you quit without a notice they only give you minimum wage for your last paycheck (two weeks) -Stressing how fulfilling it was to work there even though the pay sucks -Posting how much they would pay and instead telling me I could work 12 hours more instead to get to that pay! I didn’t take the job but I certainly told them all the reasons I wasn’t going to work for them because workers deserve better.
2 years ago, my company trained me to use their interface system that carries data from client to corporate. They didn't bother to train anyone else, because I could fit the entire workload into my regular work hours. I have been very vocal that this is a bad idea. If I were in a car accident or otherwise suddenly MIA, they could not function normally. As much as I have tried to draw attention to their total lack of a back-up plan, they have repeatedly ignored me, all the way up to the company's president & ceo. I have always been fairly open about my Lean-FIRE lifestyle, too. And about a month ago I quietly passed my LF number and have been roughly planning my exit, riddled with guilt over it because I know it will cause issues for people who had no control over that decision. Friday, I let…
TLDR: Long story about how a general manager tried to set me up for theft. So the last time I worked fast food was a shit-show from start to finish. The place had an average 2 week turn over, they were constantly under staffed, and there was no security for the place after dark. We were open to 11p every night – even weekends – in an area known for high drugs, high robberies, and a huge homeless population. The store owners owned many stores and had one general manager who worked all of them. As much as the store owners liked to claim to be hands on, they let the general manager do everything – except for 2x a week when the owners went from safe to safe and balanced the money out. The first thing I noticed about the shit-show was half the employees were high-school drop outs.…