You work harder than anyone. You care about this company and that things get done properly. You tie up loose ends, you work late and start early. You carry the team. Lately you feel a bit under appreciated. You're looking for a new role now. But you get some satisfaction knowing the hole you'll leave. They'll suddenly realise how important you were. They'll wish you never left. No they won't wish you never left. They're going to blame you for all the things the next person can't do. They're going to scapegoat you for everything. They will trash your reputation. Because blaming someone else is always easier and faster than doing work and fixing things.
Sickness policy
So I can’t here to vent a bit. I have recently gone over my threshold for sickness at work. They have put me on an action plan. Fine I get that every workplace has a policy. But because of this I now don’t get paid any bonus for 6 WHOLE MONTHS. Is it me or is that a stupidly long time? I get a fair bonus each month and am a top performer at my job role. Just don’t see why the time period os that long. Seems reduculous to me
Job interview advice
I got a job interview tomorrow and would like to know if anyone has any advice not to get taken advantage of? All my jobs so far as been unpaid internships and I ain't doing that again
I'm from a country that's been under Communist regime (Poland) from late 40s to late 80s and it wasn't pretty. Just see any history book. They shoot up multiple workers for striking against the government, because there wasn't enough bread or food or any luxuries for anyone. People kept looking with jealousy at Western Countries. Hell, even Holodomor (the great hunger of Ukraine) or the great famine in China or the situation in North Korea was caused by communism. I think it's good in theory, but I don't think it's going to work. Especially if to even make it's existence you need a society that has reached late-stage capitalism. Capitalism is also flawed, but it worked on a large scale sort of nicely for quite some time and the issues the west is currently facing aren't necessarily caused by this. Anyone care to explain?
Feels like you didn’t actually try this…
I was fired from B&M in Scotland, for spotting a sandwich someone had left out the fridge for too long, instead of writing it off and binning it, I ate it, 3 higher members of staff raided through the bin bag and presented the crusts to me at a disciplinary meeting and fired me with no warning by ” Theft by consumption”. Ludicrous, what's everyone's best being fired stories that are truly dumb ?