Article about the Antiwork subreddit
Hi all, just saw this article about the Antiwork subreddit on the popular german news outlet “Die Zeit” (online). Title of the Article: “Antiwork”: Sie kündigen in Massen Translation: “Antiwork”: They are resigning in droves All in all a quite unbiased, neutral and kind of positive article, talking about the employment situation in the US and some stories from this subreddit. It's nice to see these kinds of articles in Europe, I really hope it can get more traction around there. (I'm from a german speaking country myself)
My coworkers are CONSTANTLY complaining about seniors throwing shit they are supposed to do at us. They will insist that they are not gonna do it (to me) but will agree to it happily when approached by the seniors. I get that everyone complains but that isn't what annoys me. What really irritates the shit out of me is how ambiguous they are being. You don't resist something adamantly then proceeds to do the thing you said you're not gonna do. And I know I can stay out of it but the basis of all the relationship between my coworkers are constant bitching and complaining. I don't join but I listen and its freaking annoying.
I worked at 7-Eleven 5 years ago in a different town. I liked the job because I liked my manager. I moved towns, worked as a supervisor for GameStop for 5 years, left work for college, and then applied at a different 7/11 around the corner from my house. The manager really wanted me to work for her because I had previous experience. I started working for her in January. I also work a full time day job. I caught Covid my first week there, and I had to quarantine for 5 days. My boss told me she couldn’t retrain me because she didn’t have time. I received 8 hours of training and then I was thrown to the wolves. I obliged because I wanted to be a team player. I did okay overall (I think) but my boss would get so upset with me. She would leave notes behind…
I interviewed for a state job that pays a living wage. I am perfectly qualified with good references. I have not worked since lockdown and I am out of money. I did not get the job and I am feeling so worthless. Why do I have to beg for acceptance from strangers in order to feed my family? I am desperate for work now and will probably end up at a minimum wage restaurant job. I am too old for manual labor and need to start saving money for some semblance of retirement not constsing of homelessness. I'm just feeling so helpless and hopeless. And i know my self worth should not depend on my income, but here we are.
Has anyone successfully done it on this sub?! I’ve given my all to jobs that have given me nothing back (think zero recognition of work I do and even less opportunities of promotions). I’m in a new role that I do like (mostly the colleagues – not the work) and giving bare minimum and seeing how different it all is. There’s been less expectation from me from the onset which is wonderful, I’m not constantly burnt out all the time and I have my weekends back! Even so, surely there’s more to life than this?! I would love to be teaching English abroad (ideally somewhere a little warmer surrounded by the beautiful outdoors) but what’s the dream vs reality?! Is it a viable solution to my hatred of the scam that is capitalism and having to rely on the world’s worst jobs just to survive ?!
Stop me if this has already been suggested, but I've been moved to action by many of these posts in this sub. When people post info revealing their company management to be evil assholes, I plan on contacting the company to ask what the fuck is wrong with them. I won't be including any info that would make it possible to identify the employee or person who posted here, but I will be raising hell until I get an acknowledgement from these companies. Thoughts?