I am literally emailing the manager over and over again because everything is so disorganized and I have no idea wtf will be going on first day. Every time I send a message he says I’ll get back to you by X (tonight, tomorrow, etc), and then he never does, so I have to message him again! And whenever I remind him, he sounds pissed at me for reminding him! I can’t even get a straight answer whether I’m going to be given training or not. I don’t understand why this is such a difficult question to answer. Like how the fuck are you a manager when you can’t even answer such a simple question? If I was a customer I’d fucking report this guy for being a dumbass. From the look of it, they’re just dumping me in front of customers right from the start! Are they morons or…
I’m a laziness advocate. I am looking for a better living situation. Any places I can be lazy? Good at nature loving and being quiet. Like to be a minimalist in a clean place. Considered monastery potentially but I don’t like doctrines. Anyone else like me? I’m looking for a project. An antiwork for place to live. And yeah maybe could/ need to build living structures. But not too fast. I live in sprawling Los Angeles. Still tucked away at a parents home. But this parent is dusty, hoards, and I am getting sick living with them. I browse Craigslist once again to look for jobs etc even home exchanges and just find degrading or just low paid wage slavery etc. The ethic makes me sad. Maybe I could band up with some comrades and we could rough it or live an anarchic lifestyle together. Numbers for safety and further…
UCLA offers unpaid *professorship*
I'm not a chemist but this got passed around https://recruit.apo.ucla.edu/JPF04991?fbclid=IwAR36EjXC6JUafD_sqo3-n6i7RxZaQ5VNPhuIoc13PBoBsovEpQLz6ZfrMEg The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA seeks applications for an Assistant Adjunct Professor on a without salary basis. Applicants must understand there will be no compensation for this position. […] Qualified candidates will have a Ph.D. in chemistry, biochemistry, or equivalent discipline and have significant experience and strong record in teaching chemistry or biochemistry at the college level. Are they friggen serious? To get to that level, you have been in university studying at slave wages for a decade, and they want you to work for free?! Note that anyone can apply for this. It would be an awful thing if a lot of people filled out fake applications for this position…
I just heard this on NPR. I love Scott Simon, but he dropped the ball on this one–didn't ask if the pay was the same as if an adult filled the role. And it broke my heart to hear one student describe working for a school as “giving back.”
Not sure if this is an OK place to put this, but I'm not sure of a better one. I need to vent. So I just started a new job in a factory and today my manager came to me to ask if I had discussed my wages with other employees. I kinda just looked at him and he said I had better not. It was in the employee guidelines handbook, which I signed that I would follow and I would be subject to automatic termination if I or anyone is found doing so. I checked the employee handbook and their is nothing in it about discussing wages, and I checked the National Labor Relations Board website and called them and was told that it is most likely illegal (they can't offer a definitive answer without an investigation). Not really sure what to do. As far as I know there…
“If you work for a man, in heaven's name work for him, speak well of him, and stand by the institution he represents. Remember, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must growl, condemn, and eternally find fault – resign your position, and when you are outside, damn to your heart's content – but as long as you are part of the institution, do not condemn it. If you do, the first high wind that comes along will blow you away, and probably you will never know why. Elbert Hubbard”
Had 3 great (in my opinion) interviews with a potential employer, to which they almost immediately issued me an offer. That's great, but the compensation was definitely too low. Almost immediately had a chat with them about it and presented them with facts and arguments as to why this is subpar. I also reminded them what my desired range was, which I stated from the very beginning of our initial chat. Negotiation goes well as I have an answer to all their questions and can prove their offer is subpar, while getting them to stumble on some questions, admitting they're not sure how they got to the number they were offering me. I make a counter offer. They say they really want me on board and agree to get back to me by the end of the week with an “improved offer”. 3 weeks pass (not very professional already) and…