Onlyfans taking advantage of sex workers
My 5 years was in April 2020 and I ended up leaving a little less than a year ago for another job. It’s nice when I get little reminders like this that I made the right choice and got out of there the second I could.
Question for experienced auto techs
Just curious. This one seems more for real work issues. Toxicity, abuse, low pay, bad work/life balance. Those sort of things. Is there a good place to go for just general work complaints that aren’t necessarily horribly bad, just annoying? Thanks!
BBC News – P&O cancels services with 800 workers fired
This is the psychological effect of capitalism. Had life happened and have to miss work today. Am I crying over the fact that I'm missing work or out of fear of confrontation/write-ups/firing? Probably the latter, but that's still fucked up. This idea of “excused absences” is messed up too. Having a sit down and explaining the reason should be good enough cause not every life reason has a written excuse with it. It's like being in grade school and walking around to different classrooms so each teacher can give their signature. Ludicrous.