
If you want more

I was told if you want to make more you’ll have to find a new job. So I did. For 75% more. Now they’ve no one to cover me. Tick-tock.


Derek Montilla: WWE made over a billion dollars last year so please explain to me why they can’t afford to pay people to work in their retail store and make it make sense.

WWE made over a billion dollars last year so please explain to me why they can’t afford to pay people to work in their retail store and make it make sense.— Derek Montilla (@Cap_Kaveman) March 13, 2022


Former employer tried to get me to sign a release for $200 after reporting him to the Ministry of Labour for tip theft (Ontario)

Hello! Worked as a bartender in an upscale restaurant north of Toronto. Found out a few weeks ago my employer has been pocketing a percentage of my tips rather than giving it to kitchen staff. No tip policy was in place / documented. This is illegal, I started asking cooks if they've gotten anything over the year I've been there, they all said no, and I got fired. I did the math and he took between $5500-7000 from my tips. Everything was documented on my end of shift reports which he kept in his office. I went to the MOL and reported him for firing me without notice in lieu, severance, and tip theft. They got back to me very quickly and let me know I'm not owed severance due to only working there for a year but I am owed notice in lieu and if it's true he's been…


This is how we got here. A brief history of the theft of our pay and rights.


How long until we see prison inmates being “rehabilitated” by working minimum wage jobs that corporations can’t seem to fill? I want to invest in a ball-and-chain start-up.


And they are wondering why they are having a hard time finding employees…


Money is in the wrong hands. I dont know what to say.


Seen it all too often


Women/LGBT Individuals, How do you deal with Toxic Masculinity at work?

I work at a place where the menfolk laugh about making female servers cry and quit. One of them made a joke about me being molested as a kid in front of one of my tables. I make more money here than any other restaurant, and these guys aren't going anywhere. They're horrible but their artisanal chef skills are pretty niche so they frequently get drunk and aggressive at work, knowing they're not going to be fired. Two of my female coworkers want to transfer to a different store because one of the guys they brought back is so mean and ugly they fear he's going to hurt them. He's 6'3 and gets his kicks belittling girls that are a foot shorter than him. Multiple cases of assault have happened at my work throughout its' history, so the girls fears aren't ridiculous. All the chefs are alcoholics and on child…


Not all heros wear capes