I need advice on how to go about taking a day off next week Yes, I probably sound dumb but please hear me out, I have an event with my girlfriend's family next Saturday and need to take the day off work but have just used all my holiday for this side of the year If I request it off, I will most likely be denied, but I really want to be there for them. So how do you think I can go about it if I am denied it? P.S. Can't call in sick either
I’m at a low position, so in their eyes I’m a nobody. There are multiple people here who have at least one kid, so they are off every weekend. Meanwhile, I’m always off late Sat and Sunday. I’m single with no kids, my schedule is closing then opening. Then mid, then closing etc, basically the schedule no one wants Anyone else experience this?
Petty but necessary
So long story short, I'm about to leave my job due to typical negative reasons (pay, bad management etc). My company iphone has a password that they know. Upon turning in my gear I will be changing that password. Someone else here did the same thing and they were absolutely furious and helpless. Is there any legal repercussion if I do that? I havent signed any paper regarding anything with that phone.
Just got fired and never been happier
Got fired from my kitchen job yesterday. Fucking chef is a fake ass bullshitting bitch. Everytime I ask for more money this bitch always tells me we'll take about it tomorrow. This dude pretends to work and be one of the guys but leaves shit not done. He got butt hurt when I told him that he listens to the other cooks that are bitches like him. He said I've been doing this for whatever plus years bla bla bla, you think im gonna take advise from people below me. Hahaha fucking bitch.
Apple Unionizing?
Viva la revolución!
Old Hospital Same Policies Rant
The hospital I use to work in had not discussing your pay in writing many years ago. This place is still the only thriving business within 50 miles in any direction and very political. Employees are too afraid to lose their jobs to say anything. Especially about the 3% raise cap they installed before I left. A decade later not discussing pay is no longer in writing but it is something you learn there very quickly. They have 300+ full time employees with okay benefits., meaning insurance with impossible deductibles just like every other business these days. I don't see how this will ever change and it has a lot of multi-generational employees going back decades with all support staff up to nurse's aids still barely making it. Off my own topic but relevant to these bad salaries: I have no idea how anyone pays rent, let alone has any…
Got screwed out of 8 hours of pay…
…on a technicality. I called out yesterday and left a voicemail saying I could not make it in. I failed to use the word “sick” in the voicemail because I had a migraine and did not think about it. So because I did not say “sick” in my voicemail, I cannot use sick time. I called out at 4PM. My boss contacted me via email at 11:59PM to tell me this would be an “occurrence” for an unplanned absence. Thing is, she sent it to my work email account. Which I can only access while I am physically working… when I called out because I could not work. She could have called me back or sent an email to my personal email to clarify. Instead, she went out of her way to make sure I could not clarify I was sick to screw me out of 8 hours of pay.…
Where do you find work?
Thats the post. I use indeed and its all terrible jobs. Linked in is unattainable. Otta is wierd start ups. Applying on the company site sucks ass because they make you re-fill out information but idk how to even find the correct positions on there and they never respond to me anyways. Where should I be looking?