
Work doesn’t care at all that I have no transportation and they keep sending my paycheck to a different store in a different city

I work at dunkin and they send my paycheck to a store I used to work at in a different city for the past month and a half. About a half hour drive. I spent about $70 on a taxi to go get it every Friday. I've told the managers from both stores I don't have a car and how much of an inconvenience it is. All my coworkers have there checks at our store. So I'm the only one spending close to a quarter of there paycheck to GO GET there paycheck. It's been months nothings changed no one seems to care


Oregon state house will vote on bill to extend overtime protections to farmworkers!


Always nice when capitalist boot-lickers and corporate ballfondlers out themselves.


The Token Black For Black History Month

The company that I work for, tried to use my image and likeness for their Black History Month social media blitz. I’m one of about six Black people at the company. The company has just under 500 employees. The Black diversity group has more non-Black people than actual Black people. When I asked them to remove my picture from their ads, they hesitated, but in the end removed it. Haven’t felt this used and abused in a while.


My “dream” job forgot I worked for them. I’m leaving after 4 months.

So I have two contracts at my job, I’ve been working the hours on my one contract and had been chasing down what’s going on with the next. My working contract is over soon as I’m covering for a long term member of the team who is off on long-term sick. The other contact, I haven’t worked any hours on and have been wondering what’s going on. After a long wait and having to chase down members of staff who are on 5 times my wage, I had to have an uncomfortable chat where I found out that HR had forgot they had hired me, (I had signed and returned the contract too), they gave my hours to an in-house member of staff. Now I have no hours and have been told I need to work in a new department. Basically it’s 0 hours and they have nothing to give…


Europeans, how would you feel about Americans working for a season in your country to learn union culture?

I heard a few years ago that Salazar’s regime fell because Portuguese laborers “studied” under French strikers abroad. If the average American understood what they had to do for better wages, would you be open to it?


Raise? Imagine Getting a Pay Decrease During These Times..

Husband checked his paystub today and found out that he is no longer getting paid for an hour lunch, amounting in the loss of close to a little over a week of groceries twice a month. This was basically his only job related ‘benefit’. He’s worked for this company since the mid 90’s and has always been a hard worker. He’s now looking for a new job.


4 days in

First 3 days was refused a break after the 2nd day a manager keep string me along because she wanted to sit in the office all day and only comes out if service can't handle the work load so today I told them I'm taking a break and brought up how i was forced to work last 3 days with no break still haven't mentioned how every manager except 1 so far has just sat in the office leaving the work on the understaffed crew.. Also one of the guys I work with scoffed at me asking for my break… da fuck? We blame the corporations when it really comes down to shifty human beings who work in our buildings,offices and restaurants. What kind of personality do they let into management?


The obligatory why no one wants to work here post.


Getting ahead is all about hard work.