
Applied for this job weeks (if not months) ago, and this is when they decided to reach out? Read the room…


Poll: Most Starbucks Customers Want Starbucks Workers To Unionize


You’re a million dollar company. Act like one.


bootlickers never fail to amaze me


Found this at the checkout of a plumbing supply place. Seriously?


The new interview strategy


Are most of the a-holes you deal with at work white?

I've worked in many very diverse places, and the American minorities as well as immigrants tend to be quite nice people. The ones yelling and being a-holes are almost invariably white, even when whites are like only 10% of the workforce at a place. Why is it like this? Is there a major problem with white culture? Is it the Protestant ethic? By the way, this is not intended to inflame racial tension. This post merely broaches a serious issue that others who've worked in diverse places have probably noticed too. And also, I am white, mainly, though also part Asian. But I look white to most Americans, although Europeans can often detect Asian features in my face and can tell that I am mixed.


Management is upset because I got nothing to do

My friend told me the management of the establishment we're working at is upset with my job performance because I was “sitting and doing nothing” at the start of my shift. But there's nothing to do. No kitchen order, everything is done, the Mise en place, everything. What am I supposed to do? Wipe the floor? Repaint the place? And it's the second month of my three month probation. Guess they're starting to show their true colour. I'm not a lazy person, I will do tasks if you give me. Sometimes I would lay my head down for a bit because I'm tired but they even complain about that. The other staffs would do that too but I didn't see them getting complained. Guess it's because I'm still a newbie. What a shit show.


Yes, “Demoralized” is the perfect word for what so many teachers are feeling right now.


Several of my coworkers live in Kyiv. Some have fleed, one stays but they’re all still working

I work for a small startup and we have several employees located in the Ukraine, specifically in Kyiv. One of them in particular has not left Kyiv. Yesterday he was working and attending our meetings with his window open so he could listen for the air sirens. Our CEO hasn’t said anything or reassured them that their safety should be the first and foremost. I asked weeks ago if there was anything we could do as a company to help them get to safety and pretty much since the shit hit the fan they’re on their own to evacuate the country and get to safety. Meanwhile we’re still trucking along with our releases and deadlines. I doubt we would delay anything if one of them died. Not sure what the point of this post is. I just want to rant because I feel helpless and have such resentment towards our…