
My Job has apparently chosen violence

Honestly just need to share this somewhere so I don't feel like I'm crazy for being pissed about things here. I work at a hospital. Nothing amazing I'm a glorified janitor. I clean surgery rooms and work 5 days a week. This place is barely running because surprisingly, no one wants to clean a hospital during a pandemic. They don't even have a skeleton crew for cleaning. It has been pretty ok for the most part. I earn 15 an hour after a recent pay raise and they expect me to be grateful for the bare minimum. I take 2 15 minute breaks in an 8 hour shift from 5pm-1am. It's draining but manageable. But the Hospital is deciding to change that. They now want us staying an extra half hour every night to take an unpaid lunch and want to cut us down to 1 fifteen minute break. Which…


I have an email from my boss instructing me to threaten an employee with wage theft – what do I do now?

I'm responsible for ordering equipment at my company. I need to ask permission from my boss before every order. For a certain person's equipment (Bryce) my boss (Linda) said “tell Bryce if he loses it, he'll pay for the next one out of his check”. I checked the law and this is clearly illegal in my jurisdiction. I gave Bryce his equipment today. I told him specifically that Linda gave this message. I also told him it was illegal in case the company actually did it. Bryce was pissed and told me to keep the equipment. He said Linda has threatened this before about things. What should I do? I'm still employed here, but am considering leaving soon.


Gave my 2 wks notice – received a poop offer

Last week ago, a recruiter connected with me, and two days later, an offer was presented to me which I accepted since it's $30K more than what I am currently making, and the position will give me more flexibility for growth in the future. I had briefly discussed this in another post at another subreddit ( where I ended up using one of our conference rooms for that interview. Tuesday this week, I notified my manager that I am leaving and my last day is Friday next week. The following day, Wednesday, he presented me with a counter-offer. He was very enthusiastic and was smiling the entire time so I thought that it would be a really good counter-offer. He offered an entry-level position at another department and $20K less than what the other company is offering. I am currently working as a finance manager and have worked in the…


Another success story of the Great Resignation

In December I asked my boss for a raise. I pointed out that inflation increased by 6.8%, I provided several job listings from competitors including the salary range and benefits. I even referenced a BLS study which found that, on average, 31% of an employee's compensation was tied to their benefits. And guess what? None of that matters when you're dealing with cheap pricks. His counteroffer was pathetic and immediately confirmed that I was never going to be paid what I'm worth so I spent the last two months interviewing and today I accepted an offer with a $63,000 base, quarterly bonuses of up to $2,000, 4 weeks of PTO, and fully paid health insurance. EDIT: I forgot to mention my current job does not provide health or retirement benefits.


Did you say “I’m not interested anymore” and walk out of our corporate meeting today? FOUND on fb/MorePerfectUnion


Beware the “We are a family” line


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you are in the trades, GTFO out of the South.

IBEW electrician here. I cannot tell you how many people I talk to or hear about on a daily basis that are severely underpaid and the only connection between them is that they live in the Southern US states. Your companies will try to tell you there is nothing better. They are lying sacks of shit. If you have the means, and you want to make an actual career is a skill trade, Get The Fuck Out Of The South!. The further North you go, the better. Get out of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and especially fucking Texas. Fuck Texas.


This has to be the theme song for the movement.


Help building a resume?

Hey y'all! I'm applying internally to a different department at my company (that I have no experience in, but have always wanted to migrate into) and I've also been contacted by a recruiter for a pretty big name in an industry I worked in for about 8 years but left a little over a year ago. Both have requested an updated resume. Problem is, I'm pretty sure the resume I have (that doesn't include my current job as I haven't updated it since being hired here a year ago) is pretty crap as is and I've always been terrible at resumes. It's funny, because I'm very well spoken and I've been told my emails are so professional I've made people in administrative roles with degrees for that stuff question their own capabilities. But for some reason trying to quantify what I bring to the table on paper is nigh on…


How to keep sane during another entire week of training videos? Eight hours a day I’m sitting in a room listening to a robot read PowerPoints. By the end of the day I literally feel like hurting myself just to get out of the monotony.

To be fair before people start, it is state mandated training for the position. I can't start until I have consumed a set amount of training content hours and passed an exam. I really want to pay attention to the videos and learn what they are saying because it's important, I want to do well at my job, I want to learn, but after the first two hours my attention is shot and by the last two I'm going insane. It's not like school where there was different subject and participation and walking to classes. I'm sat in a room, given a tablet, and there I sit all day excluding a 30 minuet break. If I don't look like I'm paying attention obviously that makes me look bad. I can't open another tab on the tablet or the training video stops. They require you to hit next slide about every…