NEW: New workers say that Starbucks isolated and exploited them in an attempt to spoil the union votes in Buffalo and Arizona.@SBWorkersUnited fought back against the union-busting in a way the company didn’t expect:Being nice to their new coworkers.— More Perfect Union (@MorePerfectUS) February 24, 2022
Жители России! Всех нас охватило чувство вины и беспомощности на фоне войны с Украиной, развязанной нашим преступным правительством. Невозможно оставаться в стороне и смотреть на то, как коррумпированная власть хладнокровно отправляет солдат на несправедливую войну, на бойню, проливая кровь населения Украины, где у многих из нас есть друзья и родственники. Мучительно ощущать себя соучастником этого преступления из-за своего бездействия. Из-за рубежа, и из Украины часто раздаются осуждающие голоса: почему русские ничего с этим не сделают? Почему они не протестуют, не влияют на правительство? Но что мы можем сделать? Мы не можем сменить власть путем выборов – их в современной России по факту не существует. Мирные антивоенные протесты кажутся бессмысленными – в других странах это может работать, но наша власть никогда к ним не прислушается, и тысячи людей будут арестованы без какого-либо эффекта. Мы не можем пойти на баррикады и на насильственный конфликт – власть обрушится на нас с не меньшей…
It just doesn’t make sense, and it’s the reason why I rarely give notices when I quit a job. They say we have to give one so they can find a replacement for us so their company doesn’t go “belly up” but what about us? We don’t get notices saying “you will be let go in two weeks, work on finding another job now.” It’s just more proof that nobody gives a shit about the worker, only the companies and managers.
Must be them boot straps.
Keeping it a little vague for privacy. I was one of those people who considered herself lucky to have a “cool” boss. She’d take me out to dinner after a successful project on her dime; comped travel to amazing locations as a business expense, and was always friendly — we talked like friends not employee and employer. Then I developed a permanent, non curable condition. I can still work but I need a few accommodations, basic stuff like if there’s heavy lifting, I need breaks. I’m not able bodied in the way I was before but I was ready to dive back into work to not leave our team hanging. She turned on me in a day. My performance reviews went from glowing to absolute shit. We went from laughing at work all day to her being furious at me for taking breaks (which were contractually entitled to). I learned…
Got a rather funny store. I used to work as a security guard for events or part time a few years ago. After finding a full time job, one of the managers decided to “fire” me when I cancelled a shift to start my job. Thinking nothing of it and brushing it off, I just told him so be it. A few years later these idiots decided to call me while on my full time job asking me to work a shift. Now, I will admit, I am not a nice guy when it comes to this kind of stuff and will gladly burn bridges. With that in mind, I basically snapped and swore at the poor guy, only to realize he was apparently new and just doing what he was asked to do. I felt bad for him only, but it was honestly great telling them in no uncertain…