
Saint Paul and Minneapolis Educators file intent to strike. Strike Date is March 8


The cost of being poor: I work in life insurance; our guidelines very plainly state that there is a statistical correlation between low income and likelihood to be seriously injured or killed at work. Those same low income people are charged higher rates as a result


Auntie Anne’s

You guys have inspired me to write this story. It happened a long time ago, and it was a franchise so I don’t blame the corporation for this. I took a job there in high school and worked usually 4 hours a night. This location was in a local mall, and back then malls were alive so there was always a pretty good line of 5-10 people waiting every time I worked. One Saturday I picked up an extra shift that was 8 hours or a normal day. It was extremely busy the whole time, nobody could slow down. I was a smoker back then and was overdue for a break (it had been about 4 hours) and I asked the owner if I could run out for five minutes. He pretty much called me a moron. Told me to look at how long the line still was, no breaks…


Free Market Mythology Is a Freedom-Killer: Beyond monopoly’s power to limit our freedom to choose and earn a fair wage, our freedom is also compromised by the dominance of corporate power within our political system.


I learned that leaving at my scheduled time makes me a “bad friend” self-employment here I come.

Ok so, I work receiving in retail and I am the shift leader. Everyone today was scheduled 11-3 or 11-4. The supervisor was 9-5 as she is full time. I was scheduled 11-3. Once 3 came around there was still a little bit of work to be done but nothing that two people couldn’t handle. My supervisor who is also my friend texted me when I left and was upset with me for leaving. But I left at 3 with the rest of the team. My scheduled time. And we’re over payroll anyway. Her reasoning is that she is my friend and when I was asked yesterday if I wanted to stay until 4:30 I should have said yes because I was asked for a reason. I told her that if it was that big of an issue then I should have been scheduled properly In the first place. And…


Tattoo Artists don’t earn as much as you think

For anyone who isn’t knowledgeable on how tattoo artists operate, if you don’t own the studio, you usually have to pay to rent a space in one or pay a percentage to the owner from whatever you earn (duhhh). They can supply disposable items if they want, but they don’t have to. For me personally I’ve worked in 4 studios, and it’s been gruelling. 3/4 of them I have been on a 50/50 split. Imagine tattooing someone the whole work day, 6 hour+ for (let’s say) £300, awesome right? No, you walk away with £150, back pain, mentally drained, and annoyed because the person who didn’t do any of that work just hoovered up half of what you made. Now this is just my experience, and I’m sure a lot of people are happy where they work, but this is how a lot of tattoo studios operate. I know a…


Micro-managed to the MAX.

I worked at a very large mortgage company, it rhymes with Shmishter shmooper. The job I had was literally 3 jobs in 1, it’s how they justify paying the hourly rate they do – and they remind you of it ALL THE TIME. The level of micro management was such that I’d never experienced before. Anyway, my last straw was on a Saturday, when I volunteered to come in an extra day to help out. I was at 16 minutes for a break and my boss called me and asked if I was “ok, because my break is supposed to be 15 minutes and ‘certain people’ are noticing.” I laughed and told him I’d been at my desk the last 5 minutes checking emails but just forgot to go back on “ready”. He said it was unacceptable and I needed to watch my time. I put in my notice the…


We should start a thread for the corporations/businesses that are actually great to work for

It will let everyone know where to apply It will reinforce that specific corporation/business to keep up their good behaviour and practices Other companies that are creeping this sub could learn from it I need to know that there is still good in this world.


Co workers shamed me for taking birthday off

Basically said it was a childish act. Opinions on this?


Retro propaganda from Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Co. circa 1953