
For a Daycare Teacher position. I can’t imagine doing a job this challenging for $11 an hour let alone LESS than that.


If you have Netflix, go watch “The Case Against Boeing” and see how corporations value our lives…

Documentary just documents a literal conspiracy to push a completely unsafe plane into the skies and keep it there, despite them knowing how unsafe it was and even after one fatal crash. AND…shout out to our justice system, Boeing paid a fine and no criminal charges were ever filed.


A massive leak from one of the world’s biggest private banks, Credit Suisse, has exposed the hidden wealth of clients involved in torture, drug trafficking, money laundering, corruption and other serious crimes.


Don’t leave money on the table

This December I got a promotion and a 7% raise!(Where I live in the southwest US, this is less then the inflation). Couple of recruiters reached out and I said I am interested and now I am fixed to start a new job that will be a 25% jump from the current job(even with the raise calculated). This will be my 4th job in 5 years and I will be making 3 times of what my first job paid. Moral of the story, jump the ship the first opportunity you get. Being loyal to an employer just hurts you and no one else.


HR liked the work I did for 15$ an hour, shut down my internal promotion to 60k a year.

Originally made this a comment, but I'll make it a post of its own in case anyone else wants to share. This situation proved to me at an early age that companies value exploiting you more than developing or utilizing you. This happened to me while working for my first and only HUGE company. ( a US automotive manufacturer ). I had an opportunity to move internally from a 15$ an hour position to 60k a year management – which really was a lateral move, but to a department with much more funding for payroll. They insisted I get my current supervisors approval, which I thought was bull shit but it did, and he told me to my face I was a perfect fit and he wished me good luck. I interviewed 2 rounds, was told it was my job to loss, meaning I was the top candidate in a…


People see “anti-work” and think we’re against working. Here’s some work I’ve been doing this week after moving out of the city…


It’s embarrassing


One of the biggest fallacies is that if you have an important job you’ll make more money or be more valued by your employer


PLEASE STOP bragging about lying on your resume.

First of all, it’s not a good look for Antiwork. I like being part of a hardworking community that wants fair pay for their skills. Lying on your resume is not fair. There are people who were honest on their resume who didn’t get that job. Encouraging multiple people to lie on their resume isn’t encouraging fair pay at all, it’s just ammunition for employers to assume we’re all lying. Second of all, I don’t know why you’re bragging. YOU succeeded in lying to someone… for now. What happens if you get caught? What happens if you get someone else caught? What happens if “fake it till you make it” doesn’t work and you don’t know how to complete a job? And if this doesn’t apply to you, would you really want to take responsibility for someone else following your “advice” on Reddit and turning in a terrible job or…


Consumption Tax

Thoughts on national consumption tax replacing income tax? Taxable income is highly leveraged against poor people with no assets. Unfortunately wealthy people have the power to disable this notion. What are your thoughts on purely a sales tax, vs income taxes?