I’ve been going back and forth about sharing a poem I wrote in 2018. It fits the theme of this sub and I saw someone else shared one recently so I figured I should share mine. It’s titled Cereal is on Sale and I read it almost every time I do a poetry reading event. Also excuse the lack of punctuation. I originally wrote it on my phone and never went back and edited it. Tagged nsfw to be safe. Edit: fixed formatting. Stupid Reddit app on iOS. My body has resorted to autonomy due to the monotony of my routines Corded like the umbilical still attached to mommy in biblical proportions My view of this reality is distorted because I can’t afford to stop feeding off the titties of these corporations I have to relinquish myself from their visceral grasp that has me locked in like a parent holding…
As the title states, how do you guys respond to this question? It aggravates me to see “we offer a competitive salary” in the job description, and pisses me off even more to then be asked what my salary expectations are. Since I am in dire need of a position in my field that has a minimum monthly salary (I'm a third-country national in Europe), I usually bend over backwards and give them the minimum that I'm legally required to earn in hopes that I'm offered something before I go absolutely broke. I am curious how the rest of you, perhaps especially those of you secure in your field with experience or greater leverage, tackle this bullshit?
Are you in a labor union/political party? What union/party? What are some problems you’re running into? What are some solutions to the problems you’ve had with them? I get the feeling many of us would like to do stuff IRL, but we don’t even know where to begin. Let’s start here and talk about some common pitfalls and solutions to the pitfalls!
“Thank you for taking the time to meet with [HIRING MANAGER] and our team.” Really, you couldn’t even bother to put the name of the hiring manager. Just copy pasted? F u.
How do I get out of this job?
I have been working at this car/van rental place for just over a year now and its getting to the point where I’m not moving forwards with my life. Just to clarify I never really had any issues with the boss or anyone else (he even got me a flight lesson for xmas) but each time I tried to quit he always somehow persuaded made me stay because he has no one else that he trusts who can work there. The way I got the job is by accidentally damaging a van I rented from him and I asked if I could work off the damage excess and I happened to meet all the criteria to work there, that was payed off after 2 months and I’m still here. I feel kind of bad for wanting to leave especially when I compare him to all the other bosses I read…
I work for a company where I'm paid an hourly wage plus 10% commission for the “jobs” this pay period I check my paystub(as it's been messed up at least 4 times prior) and my commission seems way off. I add up everything from the pay period and end up with a $500 difference. I take this to manager, she explains that even though the pay period was the 27th-9th the commission for thus check was from the 1st-14th and she's also withholding some due to not having some vins/license plates. Is it common to have commission not have the same “pay period” as the actual pay period? Is it legal to withhold commission as a “lesson”?(towing in michigan, the jobs where all paid for during this time) Thanks
Creepy vibes on my first interview
So I had my first interview for a sales job today and the Head of Sales gave me major creeper vibes. At first it was normal, talking about the job and responsibilities but then he randomly started cussing and talking about “hot interns”. I was shook. Once he got comfortable with me he was telling me about how everyone is family and no one wants to work with assholes. This is not a place for douchebags and cocky fucks. There’s a lot of perks, including hot interns in the summers. So fucking weird