I swear to god if I hear about this one more time I will lose my mind. I'm burnt out. Not just from work, but some life events just wore me out. I can't sleep. I get upset easily over little things. I don't want to do anything fun, and the weight I lost last year all came back and then some from stress eating. I want to just take a long break, for my mental health. I sincerely give zero fucks on it affecting my productivity. Just make it all stop.
No: thank *you*, m’Lord!
its not worth it
It's always “you wouldn't be so poor if you didn't buy a coffee” or “if you didn't get fast food once a week for lunch” or “if you didn't waste your money on that game console” as if getting ourselves nice things is a moral failing. We don't have a living wage, we work long hours and wind up with nothing to show for it because we can't pay off our rent, our bills, our loans, and still feed ourselves with just our one minimum wage job. And we're seen as stupid or selfish for it. Why shouldn't we get to do nice things for ourselves after spending most of our waking hours in hell? Why is rewarding ourselves for our hard work bad? Why is it our fault for wanting any kind of positivity or relief when it's the people we work for who won't pay us enough to…