Raise pay or introduce a smaller UBI?
Which do you think would be more beneficial? The UBI would be more along the lines of Andrew Yangs idea of enough to help, but not enough to live off. I think UBI as that wouldn’t have the massive ripple effect that forcing companies that potentially can’t afford to raise rates without raising prices or going under (mostly small businesses).
Health problems working in the office
I could swear working past 5 years in office I developed back problems and eye problems (I even started wearing glasses). Watched office space the other day and figured I might need to reconsider my “career” of choice.
What you say VS What they her.
Union information
I'll start out with this… I work for one of, if not the, largest companies of it's type (we sell cars) on the east coast. Company profits in 2019 topped $2.1 billion dollars and have only gone up from there and there are approximately 2,500 employees both full and part-time. Every three weeks to a month we get notifications that the company has expanded again and has either bought out another of it's type, or added some extra location/expansion/nonsense no one wants while most every employee in one of three departments barely makes a living wage if at all, or needs a second job to make ends meet. I can feel the discomfort and distain growing for how things are being treated and see a change needs to be made soon and it may simply require a small spark to get the fire raging. My plan is this: I want…
On day 10. Feel like I’m skirting the line of what’s acceptable. Thoughts? I’ve had to call out manually every day past 5 and it just feels wrong. Stopped being sick a few days ago
Hi guys, Long time lurker, first post. My company was fully remote for most of the last two years until about 2 weeks ago. We have onboarded and off boarded multiple people during the pandemic without any issue. I gave my one month notice and asked my employer if we could make the transition process flexible (part remote, part in person) since I’m moving to a new city/ending a lease etc. I thought that was quite reasonable. They are being completely inflexible and literally giving me the “how could you ever expect any of this to be handled remotely” line. Like the last two years never happened. One of the quotes was “I don’t care about your personal situation or lease.” I stayed professional when they said that, and Im trying to do my contractually obligated notice in good faith and transition my responsibilities. At this point, I want to…
I have been working at corporate job for almost 5 years. I work in IT (I do everything from software engineering to coding, business analysis, release and project management etc) and I am really fed up of the job. Not because It is hard or anything but I should not have to explain same things to the same people all the time, dealing with the people who are not technical but somehow managed to work in IT (working on the technical positions without being technical) or the worst, people who are not open to learn new things and stick to the old ways of working as they used to (related with their job function). It's expected for me to deal with uncertainty all the time because business people don't know what they want. No matter how hard I try to seek alignment with them, It does not happen because “…
I’m so overwhelmed
I don’t know if this goes here if it doesn’t feel free to delete. But I’m so overwhelmed, tonight at our monthly meeting we were informed that the owner of the company is going to start a very destructive constant hiring and firing campaign to try and make more sales. They believe that fresh faces are what it’s going to take to make the most sales. It has literally been admitted to all of the staff that they are highly expendable and that if they’re not making sales goals that they will lose their job. Sales is a small part of our business, and we’ve already sold the product we offer which is a membership to most of the community who is willing to buy it. And it’s not like they offer more products for us to sell. I’m between a rock and a hard spot right now because I…