My highly skilled team is being gutted in 3-waves of layoffs. On June 7th, we filed for a union election with the NLRB. Our hearing is scheduled for July 10th for four days. Yesterday about 11 AM, we all get a shady message to attend a mandatory meeting at 3:30. The meeting was a joke of a Town Hall where they announced our team is “ramping down” due to “the client budget.” We were also told that this decision was made on June 2nd, and that they had discussed the decision to move forward with our union attorneys, which we immediately confirmed was a lie. Nearly 200 of us, and they’re only planning to keep 40. To support a content knowledge base for a Top 5 Tech Giant. We’re obviously still organizing, supporting each other, and waiting for the NLRB’s ruling. I’m just so angry about the entire situation.
We live in one of the biggest cities, there are jobs everywhere but these coworkers have pigeon holed themselves into one industry and think I’m lazy af and crazy when I say “why are you stressing so much, if you get fired just find something else.” What they don’t know is that I literally just took this job to relax from my previous position which was vice president of a company I was also financially invested in. After working the hardest I’ve ever worked for years at that job, I knew I could coast at the job I’m currently at. They are always stressed about the dumbest things and put in so many extra hours that are just not needed. I do my job well but don’t go the extra mile, it’s funny to think they are working extra hours talking smack about me, meanwhile all my tasks are done…
30 Years of Service
A co-worker noticed a couple hundred extra bucks in his paycheck this week, but had no idea what it was for. Started asking around and learned that this is a bonus paid to him after attaining 30 years of service. Two hundred bucks in exchange for 30 years of his life. That's corporate America.
One again, the daily magazine of choice for puppy crating is pushing the idea of “just work until you're about to die” as the best way to live. She got a retirement party and a plaque.
“Who's going to pay for it?” is always the question, but there is a deeper and more insidious issue: RACISM. If you look back as to why the so-called richest country in the world treats the majority of its citizens like shit, it's because of racism and anti-blackness specifically. Many whites in this country do not want non-whites to benefit from social programs that would benefit everyone. They would rather all citizens suffer under the guise of the bootstrap mentality. Racism is built into every fabric of our society for over 400 years. This country can afford universal pre-k, universal healthcare, robust maternity leave, free college, and so much more but that would mean ALL Americans would benefit. The Ezra Klein podcast has a great episode on this from 2021. Drained-pool politics — if “they” can also have it, then no one can — helps explain why America still doesn’t…
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As I’m saying in the tittle, I think im getting majorly shafted by my current job and I feel at odds on what to do. I don’t want to hurt my chances of ever moving up but I also want to be fair to myself. So- I’ve been at this new company for 10 months. At the beginning, I tried to get involved in any issue I could solve and try to learn as much as I could. With help of my coworkers, i started writing down SOPs for the department and publishing them for everyone to see so new hires would have an easier time understanding everything (my training SUCKED because these resources were not readily available) At around month 5 they started telling me they wanted me to move up in management and that they had a position for me in mind since I had been doing a…
I've been a contractor at my current job for almost 3 years. A permanent version of my job came up, my boss encouraged me to apply for it, I interviewed, and was told today that they are offering it to someone else outside of the company. I am fully trained and not only already doing the exact job, but have been taking on extra work since the person formerly in the role left. I am the only contractor in the unit and there are 3 other people that have the same job but are FT employees (soon to be 4…). They make more money than me and have excellent benefits (4+ weeks PTO/sick time, inexpensive and great health insurance, etc). I have no PTO and expensive, high deductible crappy health insurance. I feel undervalued and bitter but also that I'm not good enough. I don't know what to do from…