
How do you apply for jobs that require current position references at hiring application

I want to quit my current job and apply to a new position elsewhere but almost all new job applications in my field require to put down one reference contact from my current job when submitting the job application. So… Am I supposed to tell my coworker/supervisor I’m planning on leaving before even applying? WTF I don’t want to let them know my plans before being offered anything. If I don’t get it… Screw me I guess. Please someone teach me how to quit and apply for a new job on a way that’s less destructive.


How can I get this scumbag held accountable?

My girlfriend works at a daycare owned and operated by a Methodist church out of the same building. The director (the boss) at the daycare is a huge asshole. He constantly makes weird passes and sexually insinuated comments at his female employees, flirts with the new hires, and has been known to sleep with female coworkers. To those who know him and have seen him outside of the workplace engages in behavior completely unbecoming of someone who works with children and is a director of a daycare. He gets his back covered constantly by the pastors of the church who are in charge of the whole show. On top of this the director is a former police officer who “resigned” but later came out he was sleeping with women who he’d take on ride alongs. There are also immensely shady reasons which involve large sums of “missing” money from the…


Yeah…That is Not Happening…


Service workers should be thanked the same amount as veterans.

This might be a hot take, but if people that work in the service industry are considered the backbone of the economy, shouldn’t they be appreciated a bit more? They have to deal with karens, low pay, terrible management, the list goes on. On some days they literally have to fight belligerent customers that get aggressive (I’m sure some of you have seen the videos I’m referencing). Sure, you aren’t risking life and limb to defend your country, but if you are going home at the end of the day feeling drained and or suicidal, then I think they deserve more respect and better benefits to make such a dreary job actually worth it. 🫡


Should I quit my 100k restaurant job?

Background- approaching 40 and have worked in restaurants from the ground up since I was 16. Been a multi unit training GM for over a decade and pretty much do everything for my current franchise. At this point like a district manager but still managing operations as well as we have only a half a dozen locations so the owner doesn’t feel the need of the solo position outside of opps only. Outside of opps I do or have done menu/promotion creation, contracts adds/changes, HR, eeoc, excel spreadsheet creation, power points, zoom calls, conf calls, social media guidance, systems, marketing, hiring upper/lower, pos updates, pos computer pricing/item changes, customer feedback management, handbook and liability advising, etc if you name it I’ve done it if it involves opening/running a multi unit restaurant business. I make 95-110k in east coast state which is probably the higher end in industry but you can…


A Year Off

I have decided to take a year off work. I just got divorced and was fortunate enough to sell my house and have a couple of bonuses coming. It's not going to be easy and I will have to live frugally and then try and find something else after the year is up but I think I can do this. ​ I'm 44 and I just really want to experience freedom during the day, all day, every day, while I am still relatively young. I think I have been very lucky and am very privileged to even have the chance to do this and therefore should grab it with both hands. ​ The things is, it's taken me a lot of work to shake of this kind of free-floating guilt about taking such a long break. I think we as humans are getting conditioned to thinking that we should be…


America needs to change its working culture

Honestly, how hard would it be to get this country to change? Why would a strike across the entire country not work? Would it be possible to organize? And would it even be beneficial? I know you’ll probably say, well if it were easy we would just do it. True, but even if we did would it work?


20 years with no pay raise….


OMG proper work here!

This is how you do it, 20 years absence in 24 years of 'work'


Do I retain the right to not work outside scheduled hours if I move into a salaried position?

My manager is considering moving me to a salaried role that's only about $1,000 a year more than I make now, but I have a feeling I'd have to work WAY more than $1,000 worth of unpaid overtime, since all the other salaried employees work 60-70 hours a week. Do worker rights change when moving from hourly to salaried?