Been working at my job since January. We’re a small lab with 1 manager, 1 biller (both work mornings), and 3 total technicians (we work nights). I’m 1 of the 3 techs and we’re all contracted. During the onboarding process, I was told they’re big on work-life balance, as long as days off were requested about 2-3 weeks in advance. Lately, one of my coworkers would request days off about 2-3 times a month. And eventually the manager started to ask him if he can come in on Wednesdays (that’s one of his days off) to make up for not working. I’m planning to go on vacation at the beginning of November and requested 6 days off (I work 10 hour shifts Thurs-Sun… yep, my schedule is the worst lol) and my manager asked if I can come in on some Wednesdays to make up for lost revenue. I agreed…
Been working at my job since January. We’re a small lab with 1 manager, 1 biller (both work mornings), and 3 total technicians (we work nights). I’m 1 of the 3 techs and we’re all contracted. During the onboarding process, I was told they’re big on work-life balance, as long as days off were requested about 2-3 weeks in advance. Lately, one of my coworkers would request days off about 2-3 times a month. And eventually the manager started to ask him if he can come in on Wednesdays (that’s one of his days off) to make up for not working. I’m planning to go on vacation at the beginning of November and requested 6 days off (I work 10 hour shifts Thurs-Sun… yep, my schedule is the worst lol) and my manager asked if I can come in on some Wednesdays to make up for lost revenue. I agreed…
Do I quit without giving my 2 weeks?
Been working at Job 1 for three weeks now. Been fine so far. Boss is a huge know-it-all, 90% of the time I'm just sitting on my laptop since there's no work to do. Had one bad experience with the old district manager where my first week of work he assigned me to go to a convention outside of normal business hours. When I asked why I was signed up he said “he made me”. Dude didn't even ask my availability. Just got offered a better job, Job 2. Nicer people, easier work, better pay. Put in my two weeks yesterday and the new district manager called saying she was “actually thinking of promoting me to head manager” of a different branch (I'm asst. now). I messaged her later asking for more details and was left on read. Today, overheard her talking to my manager saying she “is in 2nd…
Why did I go into work?
This is actually my favorite job so far and I hope I can stay here for a while if I can, but today made me confused. I work at reception in a medical office. The power went out yesterday in the whole building, aka no lights, internet, computers, phones, nothing. My entire job relies on computers and phones. I was then told to start calling patients with my personal cell, which I really didn’t want to do (and I’m sure the patients weren’t too keen on that either). I had to use my own data, which isn’t unlimited and isn’t cheap either, to send emails to the doctors when their patients got their. The bulk of my job requires accessing medical records, which I don’t have access to outside of the desk computers due to HIPAA, so the doctors were the ones checking people in instead of me. And as…
Should I even show up tomorrow
So today marks my 2nd day at this new job as a contractor. On June 20th I told my recruiter to send me my bosses number so that I can let him know that I won’t be able to come in on the 28th which is tomorrow due to it being a Muslim holiday(Eid). I reached out to my boss today and he said no one ever told him and he keeps denying it. Then I reached out to the recruiter and he said that he told the account manager who he said told my boss. Also a recruiter from my agency talked to him today and he said it’s all good that he’s okay with me not coming in, which I don’t believe to be true. I don’t know who to believe now and I’m skeptical of both what if they try and pull some bs like this again?
Water Breaks
If you read the news, you've seen headlines like this lately. Texas governor signs bill rescinding water breaks as deadly heat grips state Measure will nullify local ordinances that provide workers protection from devastating, triple-digit temperatures (over 38C) One man has already died. This got me to thinking. State law does not supersede federal ADA laws. Can not everyone claim they have a condition that requires they get water breaks? Everybody needs a regular amount of water, especially on hot days. Employers who don't honor this ADA request could get sued in federal court. I'm curious on your thoughts.
No fault policy is a joke
Has anyone experienced this type of policy? Seems like it gives the company power over you regardless of the circumstances
Petition can be found via photo. The Q Center Union, part of @cwa7901, launched a petition on June 23, 2023 seeking solidarity from their community of supporters as Q Center’s Management and Board has been escalating in anti-union tactics. This has included refusals to bargain in good faith, with the Union having already filed multiple Unfair Labor Practice charges. QU also called attention onto the notorious anti-union law firm Q Center’s Management and Board had secretly been working with- has in the very recent past also represented Christian Universities in defending their ability uphold anti-trans policies, and in 2020 represented the state of Idaho to uphold anti-trans legislation. Please sign and share the petition! Add your name and read more of the story at the address in the photo. id: White background with the CWA Q Center Union logo (Red raised fist in against a Red Q, the inside of…
So, I've hated my job for close to 8 months now. I've been applying to jobs like crazy (35 juust in June), and I've gotten a few interviews but no callbacks until yesterday. I'm looking for a full time job and a very small part time job on the side. I've gotten the full time job, and I start Thursday. I need to buy new pants tomorrow because I have shorts and ripped pants. I'm still looking for the part time job, so I have two interviews lined up. I can't wait to tell my boss that I'm leaving. I've hated this job for way too long. I'm so excited but super freaking nervous. I would go out and celebrate but I have literally no money. I'm saving it to go to Goodwill tomorrow to buy new pants. My current job pays $10 an hour. This new job pays $14…
Another one bites the dust. West Coast startup/small business culture is such an exhausting hellscape. I moved here a year and a half ago and it's been a steady, consistent stream of employers ghosting, rescinding offers at the very last minute, and just otherwise being totally unprofessional+incompetent and wasting my time. I turned down MULTIPLE other interviews and job offers because this guy spent an hour bragging about his company's work culture, and now I'm sh*t out of luck and out of a job with about 24 hours notice. Lesson learned, never prioritize a single offer.