I do IT for an MSP, been with the company for 2 and a half years. My company was bought out by another 6 months ago and it's been downhill since. I felt I was respected and could progress in my career with my old management. Now, they would rather outsource jobs to India than to hire from the U.S. There's about a dozen people on my team I interact with and 2 specifically that I work in the office with that I'm great friends with, we hangout outside of work and stuff. My colleagues share my frustration and concerns about our new management. We were chilling one evening and they asked me if I've been looking around for other positions, and I was honest with them and told them how I was looking around and interviewing. They acknowledged how I felt and I appreciated their sensitivity to the subject.…
There are 330 million Americans living in this country right now. 2.7 million of us are on antiwork, let's just round that up to 3 million. So, ~1% of the total population of the United States is a member of this subreddit. If we all came together and formed a co-op, similar to health insurance co-ops, we could effectively end capitalism as we know it. But if it was that easy for all 2.7 million of us on antiwork to agree on anything, like which Subway Series sandwich we want for dinner tonight, then we all would have ordered a Monster by now. Right? Right. But we all are at least anti-work, right? So, we do all at least agree on that. Obviously, we just don't agree on what we should actually do about it. Could enough of us come together to form a co-op if it only required $25/month…
HR won’t give me the requested position
Long story short, my immediate supervisor had an accident two months ago. He has been on leave for the past two months and I've been the acting manager of the department ever since. The directors for the department offered me the interim manager title since I'm already doing the work but HR said no because I apparently lack experience. So, like almost always, all the work and responsibilities but no pay to match. HR has also been holding up an approved pay rise for weeks now. ** the interim title is an actual title that comes with higher pay.