
Hmm I do love a cuppa tho


Dumb hardworking coworkers

I have been reading a lot of stories about terrible management, but not much about coworkers. Do you also have coworkers that do too much work? I had one that would come to work 30 minutes before his 12-hour shift started and immediately start working, instead of walking he would almost run, he'd work through his unpaid 1-hour long break and, at the end of the shift, complain how there was so much work he couldn't even eat lunch. Cherry on top, he quit because of too much workload… workload that he put on himself and management now expects of all employees. Oh, and now he works in a company where he again worked too much and doubled the work.


How i quit, finally hit the breaking point over something small.

Come to find out they are now closing. meanwhile I got hired at similar job somewhere else that pays better and is properly staffed and managed. If you wanna know more ask away this job was crazy and i don’t recommend anyone work here (cvs pharmacy)


I think I was traumatized at work today

I work inpatient with adolescents. I had to watch this patient who has developmental disabilities. There was a crisis going on in the hallway so I had to shut the door to maintain the patient’s safety. I had the door up against the door facing his room just in case something happened. The patient saw that I got a text from my phone and he's like “ooooo who are you texting? Your boyfriend?” I'm like “no” And he's like “well do you want a boyfriend?” And as I'm sitting in the chair, he starts to hover over me. I tell him, “hey can I have some personal space please” and he gets closer to me and he has this fuckin smirk on his face. I attempt to try to push him off so he doesn’t get any closer. I ended up jumping out of my chair and luckily a nurse…


Thank you for the innovation

I would like to personally thank the crew of that titan submarine for the innovation they delivered that their lives were worth according to the owner.


work sucks tbh


Company pays me bonuses only to have the government increase on property tax and take it all away

Canadian government at it's finest


Don’t let your interviewer know you intend to use benefits

​ Found this in an article regarding things to not bring up during an interview. Apparently letting your potential employer know that you are interested in what the company can provide and are not there to work strictly for fun and/or an insane work ethic is a bad idea. Or as the article states ” because it will only make the employer question your true intentions.” My priorities during my job hunting are: 1) finding a salary I can live on 2) finding benefits to cover my illnesses and 3) worrying about what the job entails. As someone that used to work in HR, I find it BONKERS to poorly rate a candidate for this. It's a waste of their time and HR's if they get to the offer phase, get shown the benefits, and it's not what the candidate needs so they walk away. Folks should be able…


My workplace installed these toilet paper dispensers that crumple up the paper and only dispense one square at a time.


What jobs/industries do you all work?

This is sort of an unofficial poll. I want to know so I can know what jobs/industries to avoid working in.