At the place I’m employed in Maryland, we’re not “allowed” to call out if we’re sick unless we have a doctors note.
Fired For Turning In My Notice
So I turned in my two week notice, which the employee handbook says I'm supposed to do in order to receive my due commissions and such. I have an opportunity to essentially be self employed but I needed the next couple of weeks to get it going and to start a second shift side job to hold down the fort while it does. I turned it in on Friday. Well, I worked a whole shift today. Now, I know I owe nothing to the slaver class, but i actually really like my manager. She has taken good care of me to the best of her ability despite the owner enforcing policies that are just straight up harmful to her staff and her business. I planned to genuinely do my job for the next two weeks so she could facilitate a hand off to my replacement and I could go on…
Something something socialism
Hospitality Burnout
Long story short, I ended up in a restaurant job after getting my bachelor's degree (from a prestigious UK institution) and spending a few years “finding myself”. I had quite a fast meteoric rise, going from waiter to head sommelier and manager in just over a year (after moving from restaurant to restaurant). A lot of my rise was facilitated by Brexit, and the exodus of European hospitality workers. Now, I'm completely burnt out. I recently accepted a junior position on £45k, the same salary as my role as a head sommelier/manager, with around 10 hours less per week, but I've just e-mailed them to say that I can't do this line of work anymore It is taking its tole on my physical, and, in turn, mental, wellbeing. I've tried IT vacancy ads, and admin ads, but nobody reads the application, or responds with a rejection after a month or…
These big chain companies have no shame.
“Pizza genius” “barista” anything but a fair wage. By the way, Illinois minimum wage is $13.
My work paid me 2X’s for a job I did.
Like the title says. I immediately said hey I am pretty sure this is a mistake, they emailed me back it wasn't. I just went and looked they most definitely did pay me twice. It's $330, I feel conflicted. I told them it was a mistake, they said they checked and it wasn't, but it really did get paid twice. What do I do?