
The Onion Does it Again


Who is responsible for returning company equipment when not on-site?

I went from being an on-site office worker to a WFH contractor with the same company, as I moved about 2 hours away (50 miles one way). My contract ends soon and I am wondering when it comes to returning company equipment, is it up to me to make the drive back /pay for shipping or is it on them to send me shipping materials and postage? Who’s responsible? I really fn don’t want to drive 4 hours and 100 miles just for that.


I feel like there’s no way this would stand up in court if any of my coworkers were to file a wrongful termination suit.

I work a at home call center job, taking calls for patients and scheduling them for doctor's appointments. The job is ridiculous at times, and when the calls are coming in back to back they only give you 9 seconds in between calls. Now this barely gives you enough time to even take a sip of water before needing to take the next call, but doesn't take into account all the documentation you have to do during and or after the call. So if a patient calls and has something that you need to make a message for the doctor, it can be a very lengthy process. But if you put yourself into what's called extended wrap up, you won't get any calls but you are considered “out of adherence.” This counts against you as you have to be at 90% adherence or higher. So just to do your job…


Anyone else find it absolutely asinine…

That people who make 3x or more in an hour what the average employee makes in a week, will make these grand gestures of virtue signaling (ie. Promoting a bake sale at their company to raise money for cancer kids) but will then turn around an tell employees they are expected to supply the baked goods to be sold at their own expense and act like you're the bad guy if its not within your budget to do so? Like when did it become the employees responsibility to provide the extras an employer has promised to the public?


You now have to work more than 100 hours a week to afford a two-bedroom rental on minimum wage: report


Attendance policy bull

So for starters, I am a HS student (18) and am working a part time job, so I'm not very concerned about this ruining my life, but I wanted to see what some of you guys have to say about the situation. So I work a 15.00/hour restaurant job where they have a very strict attendance policy, and I am now one sick day away from being fired. A few months ago I submitted a request for about three weeks unpaid off to go on a family trip. This request was approved by my general manager (let's call them Not Nice Manager, or NNM for short). NNM had approved it so I thought that was that. A few weeks before I left on my trip I noticed that I had been scheduled to work during my ATO by NNM. I had no shifts with them so I emailed them about…


Casa Bonita eliminates employee tips ahead of reopening, sparking backlash

People will always find something to complain about


$3 Dollar Coupon as Compensation for Short Staff

I'm very angry about this and going to try to be careful to not reveal too many details. Don't think any labor laws or rules have been broken. Just a heinous insult. My wife is a barista at a coffee shop in a grocery store. Co worker had to call out sick and my wife was the only employee left. Was told to stay and man it until the next shift takes over (~5ish hours). She was compensated with a $3 coupon to the grocery store. Like I get bad day/bad luck but for the place to provide a $3 coupon is plain insulting.


Terminated from job because I “didn’t do anything” about a thief stealing someones belongings in a store. Despite store policy saying to do nothing, AND I was ordered to work inventory. Still fired. (click link if embed doesn't show) I want to mention before going into this ridiculous firing that's going to negatively impact my life, by pointing out my business has a strict no pursuit policy by management. if someone is stealing, eating, or breaking (intentionally) anything in the store, not only can we not try to stop them, or be directly confrontational, but if they leave a mess we can't start cleaning it up until they leave the store to prevent confrontation as well. Yet, this video of this women stealing personal belonging from a seniors cart is apparently according to my leading management team, my fault(??). because I was the 'team leader' on duty, a made up label they give when they trick you that you're getting promoted, but instead have more responsibility added on to your work day remaining a regular employee on paper. Notice in the video,…


Salt for you sir