I'm not being paid for doing these training modules, but I'm required to do these in order to continue with my orientation. This is for a PRN job. I'm required to do 33 of these, some of these being 2+ hours long in terms of length for one training module. I am not being paid for doing them but I am being paid half of my negotiated rate when I actually start my orientation. I hate this lmao.
The “two week notice” concept is BS
Most jobs do not give you a two week notice or any sort of notice at all. Many people get let go on a Friday afternoon and by Monday, their access is revoked. If one works at one of those companies, “Friday” notice should be good enough from the employees side. YMMV if you need them for a recommendation, but respect and etiquette should be a two way street.
This is really how it is
The real reason for RTW
https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/05/mortage-interest-rates-property-values-00094969 The overlord CEOs of course want to control and micromanage to avoid their tiny egos getting hurt but the booty man they're really worried about is the one threatening thier portfolio and the global economy that they exploit
So I work at a Starbucks location that recently celebrated Memorial day by putting 50+ little flags around the store and parking lot, along side a table with a whole setup and a single rose. (All of this was done at our district managers direction.) We just put up a couple flags for pride month, (pride, bi, lesbian, ace etc.) Because a lot of our partners including myself are LGBTQIA+. Lo and behold the DM has the gall to tell us to take down the tiny flags while actively selling pride merch, so far they have not given a reason.
Unions. Protests. Strikes. LOL
Union activity is no longer protected and subject to liability. The owner class doesn’t want to hear it. Protests are time consuming, expensive for participants, and dangerous. The people responsible for so much misery are mostly anonymous, hidden, and well protected. You’ll never have access to them, so persuading them directly isn’t viable. This might sound unrelated, but there’s an idea from Fight Club expressed as something like “the things you own end up owning you.” It’s because, once you’ve accumulated vast assets, you develop a desire to protect them. Certain powerful, bad faith actors in our world have decided they want to extract as much as they can from the majority. It just so happens, they have a lot of assets, just sitting there, out in the open.
How do you get heard?
I was let go immediately after (3days from the date I discussed ADA violations with the a higher-up). HR, EEOC, and Office of Civil Right could not care less. My employment lawyer just want me to settle (I told her No we are not settling unless they reinstate me(please do not try to convince me to not go back. I need to go back)), but moving forward with the lawsuit as I refuse to drop the lawsuit. Department of Education disability employment program only tries to get me a job as cashier/waitress/receptionist (they never even spoke to the company to advocate for me). The reason for termination was initially specific (but after they found out I was innocent, they changed over to another charge which was also found to be inaccurate), at the end (like 4 months afrer termination) they changed reason for termination as underperformance. At this point I…
Company moving back to office
My company unofficially said today they are putting a effort into bring people back to office even though they pushed everyone home to work during Covid and sold the offices but now say they are putting efforts into bring back their real estate footprint and come September “most” employees will have to work in office/hybrid. They even even stated that everyone is an “at will employee” so if they don't like it or if they were hired to work at home it's changing so basically saying we are SOL….corporate America gotta love it. Will spend millions of dollars to bring people back to office but won't give basic living wages.
Work Pay Rate Found To Be Lower
Slight rant here, but, I’m pretty annoyed at the moment. I’ve spent 7 years working with individuals with Autism, mainly children but recently adults. I was injured and spent 5 years out of work due to a spinal injury and subsequent spinal surgery. It took me 13 months of physical therapy to get back to work at the beginning of this year. I found a company who jumped on hiring me and offered me a higher position than I’d actually inquired about. They said all the right things and I ultimately accepted a position. I was offered $17.25/hr, which I thought was low for my experience, but was just happy for the quick offer. I worked there for a little over 4 months and quit due to extremely poor communication within the organization. 10 days after I quit I was offered a management job at another organization with a $5,500…