
When I was a busser in high school

I was on break in the break room and a manager asked what I was doing. I said on break, and he said “we don’t have time for breaks in this industry”. I was new, didn’t really know how to respond, and just went back to work. Completely disregarding the labor law posters in the break room. I knew I was obviously entitled to one and after telling my trainer, I did eventually go back on break. What’s funny is there was literally another employee sitting in the break room at the same time, who the manager ignored. Afterwards my coworker said how dumb the situation was, but in the moment he just kept eating his meal. I honestly don’t remember if I was in the middle of eating too, and threw away my food. Probably. I was too afraid to speak up and the manager was clearly on some…


Goodbye, Cheap A-Holes


“We do not accommodate other jobs”

So I’ve got a friend that’s a major partner in my start up. We’re game developers. I do the writing and programming. She does the art direction. She needed a day off. One day. Just a morning. To meet with me and a potential client to talk over a massive buisiness deal. And her boss said … well read the title. From what I can find online it’s completely legal. And no her job is not a conflict of interest or anything. Any way so she told them it was a religious holiday. So I guess as the original founder of the studio , I lead a cult. I think I just found a hack?


How to report employer not paying missed meal period in California

My bf is not getting a break after 6 hours of work and not getting paid one hour of pay due to the missed meal period how do I report my employer? My bf works at a restaurant in California where he works over 6 hours with no breaks at all, his last employers would pay for the missed meal period but not his new job. Does he alert his boss that they are breaking the law?


Amazon warehouse workers speak out during Coventry, UK strike: “It’s the workers who produce the wealth of society. We’re like the worker ants in the factories. We need numbers to get a broader political movement going.”


Ain’t it the truth


How much time until you make one million dollars


Late stage capitalism “feel good” story.


There is no “Money Heaven”


I live in glorious, untainted Europe and wanted to remind you that Americans live like dogs.

My alarm rang a bit ago and I realized I had almost forgotten to post this for the third time today. So here you go! I live and work in glorious Europe, at a company that has multiple overseas investments, including some in America that are probably taking advantage of your dogshit labor protections to exploit you. But that’s fine (for me). I am a useful cog in a capitalist corporation that does all the same things other capitalists do but is somewhat better (for me) because my country ended 700 years of colonial genocide and a few fascist pogroms with some weak social democracy reforms that my countrymen gleefully vote away every time they get a chance. We elected Musolini’s granddaughter less than six months ago but everything’s going just fine (again, for me)! Things will continue going fine (for me) and I can’t see that. ever changing! So…