
This is who you are working for


31% of Americans have a net worth of $0 or less


Take a brief or deep look into the Progressive Era of the US

Progressive Era I thought shit got bad due to policy changes in the 70s, but it’s been slowly getting worse for a long time since WW1 and exacerbated during the post WW2 consumerism boom, check out the phobeus cartel(they introduced planned obsolescence as a tool to bolster the economy) So in seeing there was a collective emphasis to address the consequences of corruption we today, BEFORE WW1 makes me think we’re too deep in it to get out. But I’m a cynic and don’t got the best mindset anymore. We can get out through intensive reform, but idk if that’s happening as countries start building alliances for the next war


When are the stupid questions during interviews going to stop?

I had an interview and part way through, the interviewer asked me what my favorite drink is and I said water. He gave me a weird look and said “C’mon, you can do better than that.” I didn’t know what to say so I didn’t say anything and we just sat there and looked at each other for about 15 seconds in silence. He stops the interview and said I’m not what they are looking for. I’m not sure what that was all about, but i feel like I dodged a bullet.


[READING] The Right To Be Lazy – Paul Lafargue – 1883


Is this a scam? I’ve never even heard of Signal messenger before. Quick google tells me that a lot of job scams use it now


My company makes workers drive two to three total hours a day for a job that could be done remotely

I work in an office doing data entry, sending emails, and attending Zoom meetings. I was considering asking if I could do the job remotely when my contract hours are up. But today my coworker told me that many people have tried and failed to get the company to allow remote work. For whatever reason they seem to mostly hire workers who live an hour, or even an hour and a half away (so 2-3 total driving hours per day). My coworker has back issues that are aggravated by the long drive. When he told the manager about his circumstance, he said “We understand.” and did nothing about it. Many people have left because of this, and the numbers have dwindled to only a few people working there. I just don't understand why we have to show up to the office for things like emails and Zoom meetings, which could…


A line from “The Menu”

Mild spoilers for the movie The Menu, made me laugh out loud and think of this subreddit. A scene where Killer is asked by a woman (a seemingly innocent bystander) to explain why she's going to be killed. What school did you go to? “Brown” Student loans? No. I'm sorry, you're dying.


New age job?

I quit my job a month ago exactly, and moved back to the small town I came from. My friends and the community has rallied to get me back to myself again. I am an electrician by trade and for those of you that don’t know the trade, we are exposed to everything. rude customers people who don’t pay. Mother Nature, the extreme hot and cold weather. And a lot of us don’t get benefits. We aren’t provided health insurance. No work gear to bare the hot and cold. No boots no sweat shirts no rain jackets. We aren’t supplied tools. All of that comes out of our pockets. Because of this It’s been really hard to ever want to go back. Over 15 years I’ve learned the skill, I’ve paid my dues but with no one wanting to join the electrical community, because of what I stated above. I…


Demolition/Renovation in dated work building. Other floor sent home but not mine. Asbestos risk?

First of all, this post is definitely venting, but I am also seeking perspective and advice. My workplace is in an old building constructed circa 1950 and the bathrooms and hallway ceilings on all floors are being remodeled through the end of the year. The bathrooms, at least, are entering ADA compliance. We received emails describing basic plans and timelines last month, but I didn't think I'd be in a construction zone. I watched roof construction from a window months ago and remembered being glad it wasn't me breathing that dust. There is perceptible dust coming from the bathrooms that has already caused asthma flareups in a coworker just from sitting at their desk. Personally, I've been working remotely since the demo crew got to my floor because of an upper respiratory infection, so I haven't been in the thick of it. A more recent email last week after work…