
The quickest way to NOT get me to do my job is send me an email then message me 30min later to take a look at my email.

Cherry on top is when they haven’t yet responded to my email I sent earlier.


Just Got Praised Then Written Up (and more!)

Just got told I may be replacing someone's position at work because they've been getting complaints and I need to fix it. Then I was called into the office and told I was being written up for a bunch of unexcused absences that dated between 3/1 and 5/1. My last “absence” was over month ago and because my cat needed emergency care after surgery complications. Before that, it was because my car broke down and needed a few hundred dollars worth of repair that day because I had surgery the next morning. Then I was informed that my surgery recovery was not supposed to be excused, but “they didn't count that against me”. Like I'm supposed to be grateful for that absurdity. Apparently, the doctor or surgeon note only covers five days off and I was supposed to be marked for any days after that. I have an automatic one…


Getting a gift card instead of the raise I was told to expect. How can I let them know how I really feel?

I’ve already decided I won’t be accepting the gift card out of principle. Any other suggestions as to what I can do to help them understand how incredibly insulting this is? Quitting isn’t an option.


Kroger gave workers bonuses in March, now claims the amounts were “incorrect” and are demanding workers pay part of it back


From r/didthejobboss


Has anyone considered the psychological toll that customer service takes?

It seems obvious (& it kinda is) but lately I've been wondering if some of my mental health issues can be attributed to my 12+ years in various customer service roles. Specifically in regards to guilt, self-worth, over-apologizing, people pleasing, neglecting & devaluing my own needs/wants/well-being, etc. This includes the impact of my interactions with customers, coworkers, supervisors, & corporate culture at large. For example, I have an illogical knee-jerk reaction to assume that any & all bad things that happen around me are always my fault, even when presented concrete evidence to the contrary. Could this be linked to how I am constantly yelled at by customers for a never-ending list of things that are outside my control? Even when customers know that I personally am not the one at fault, I am still the one that gets yelled at. “Not taking it personally” can only go so far…


Quit my job recently because the manager was awful. He sent this to me when I left after dropping off my key a few days later.

Context: I'd worked with this person for over 3 years, and we had a one on one meeting where I aired out all my grievances, specifically how he shows no appreciation to his workers. Ended up having an argument with him for like 15 minutes. Went to drop off my key a few days after the last day I was there, I dropped it off without saying anything to him.


US Supreme Court deals blow to organised labour in new ruling


I had to email to learn the corporate team is not providing free donuts.


My boss gave me a ring set to honor my first 90 days!