
I refused a job my boss thought I would want, and now he’s annoyed with me.

Sorry, it's a long story. TLDR at the bottom. I started at this new company about a year ago, and I've been doing very well. There have been hints dropped that once my current supervisor leaves, I would take her position (she's been talking about moving out of state for a while). I was excited about that idea because her position is “regional” and I would love to have that title on my resume. Well, she gave notice and is leaving on June 6th. I was asked if I wanted to take on some of her responsibilities. When I asked about the title and pay, I did not receive a response. Two days passed, and the main boss man calls me, essentially saying that I didn't show proper appreciation for the offer and that my response was tactless. He then tells me a story about how he once took a…


Even LoL players have had enough: “The ‘League Of Legends’ Walkout Is A Warning”


How do you guys feel about people who work extremely hard and AREN’T ALLOWED to accept tips?

I know tipping is mentioned a lot here, as far as people who ARE allowed to accept them. What about those who can’t? I was at Costco and bought 40 boxes of wood flooring. I could have done it myself but as I exited I was told to go to the “loading zone”, so I did. I left my flat bed (orange long cart) there as someone who was pushing carts watched it for me, just waiting in the sun, it was over 100 degrees out. I pulled up and another cart pusher came along. The two of them loaded up each box carefully, not easy work. Pushing carts and doing loads at any given time. They finished and I tried to give them $5 each. They looked almost scared, telling me “no” and that they aren’t allowed to accept tips. I couldn’t believe it. A million (billion?) dollar company…


We know you can’t afford to pay them off from your wage-slave income, but we don’t care, we’ll just take your emergency fund and life savings instead.



Company hired a new coworker that has same authority as me

Hi everyone. I need some advice from you guys. Basically I am working in this company for more than a year and i basically created my department from scratch. I created and built storage section , Work area for the job i do. And i transformed the products we make(Multi million dollar machines)to whole different level. I always got congratulations and good pay rises from management. I got suppliers coming everyday from different companies and basically living the best work experience i had. I had them hire a helper guy without experience to help me with the job. We were doing good but we were swamped with work. I told the management that i need the second helper guy to increase quality and be faster. Then i left the country for work purposes. It took close to 3 weeks When i return this Monday they said they hired a new…


Company gives me an offer, then rescinds it before I can even make a decision

Okay so I wanted to get y’all’s thoughts on this. I interviewed for a position this past Friday, and they immediately gave me an offer right on the spot. My response was for them to give me a week to get back with them since I had a couple of more interviews lined up and didn’t want to make a decision before I did that. Fast forward to today (the Thursday after my first interview with said company) and I get an email saying they have rescinded my offer due to them not hearing back from me, even though it has not been a full week and I made that clear. Maybe I should’ve communicated with them more but I’m not sure that would’ve made a difference. Thoughts, everyone?


What we’re getting instead of raises


When work gossip is about you

I have a question. How do you deal with gossip (when it's about you) at the workplace? The gossip is that I'm incompetent on the phone and they have made fun of me because I'm the only one in the office whose Dad passed away. The people that do the gossip are also friends with HR. So I can't report them. How do I cope?


They want everyone living paycheck to paycheck

They want all of us living paycheck to paycheck. If you have to live paycheck to paycheck you HAVE to show up for their shitty job paying a shitty wage what choice do you have? If you actually had some money in the bank you might take some time off or have time to think and get another job. This is why employers hate gaps in resumes If you have a gap it means that you didn't have to work that particular period of time, which means you might want some time off at this job. So they will hire a person with no gaps because they know that person lives paycheck to paycheck.


Not being a “team player” if we don’t want to cover duties of people who have quit and haven’t been replaced in months

I don’t have a lot of tasks in my job, it’s a front facing museum security type job, but I’m sick of seeing people quit and hearing managers say they’re just not going to replace them (we’re stuck without coverage and it’s harder and harder to take time off) or taking months to hire someone. A coworker of mine gave a months notice and has been gone almost another month. No word of a new hire yet. My job is one where we have to physically be in the building for it to be open to the public or staff. Slowly we’ve gone from covering other staffs lunch breaks in different areas to being regularly scheduled weeks in advance to cover for them when we’re short staffed ourselves. Finally we’re starting to say no and we’ve gotten a line added to our team news letter saying part of our job…