
Brian Eno – “Don’t get a job.”


Seen so much WELL DESERVED hate on this sub for recruiters. Thought I should chime in.

Yes, recruiters really are just as despicable as the lot of you imagine them to be. Coming from an ex-recruiter.


“Everyone’s hiring”


Basically got a slap on the wrist

The owner of 14 Subway restaurants throughout the Bay Area reportedly paid staff more than $265,000 in bounced checks and endangered child employees.


Amazon drivers, including Iraq vet, sue over poor working conditions, saying they peed, defecated in bottles to avoid discipline

Amazon needs to do better!!


Came across this on FB with people reacting heart…probably recruiters


Need quick advice on upcoming call to accept/refuse job offer!

Hi all, long time lurker, but I was finally offered a job that has *some* semblance of being non-shitty lol…Anyways, what I need help with is probably on some questions to bring up on this call for today. I'll give some context: will be fist job I've had in a while, went through quite a mental burnout, health concerns, new diagnosis, etc etc we all have it I'm not special xD description made job sound like a mostly in office entry level position that mostly did like, data entry and retrieval is a government position actually, and it seems to be for Social Work. I have no issues with this type of work at ALL, obviously I'm biased because I probably benefit from this department lol buut – autism/adhd diagnosis, where before this I could do a whole lot because my masking was off the charts great, now I get…


People who do nothing at work

Interesting article. I had a job like this in the past. After a wile I hated the stress of not having anything to do. So I went back to school and did schoolwork to occupy the time.


Got offered a job with bad pay

Like title says, I was offered a job by a company I have worked along side on occasions. I am a contractor in specific feild that I specialize in, its highly skilled labor and there are few people that can do what I specialize in. I got a call out of the blue, they were really excited to meet with me so we setup a meeting. Everything went well. So we finish up touring the facility and meeting everyone and the owner says alright lets talk brass tax and we enter his office. He starts out telling me the pay rate (26 and change/hr for any and all work). Typically I make a day rate of 450 with OT after 10 hours, 35/hr for shop work with ot after 40 hours and 40/hr for setup/teardown. I told him my current rates and things went a little sour, he said he…


If the bill in congress for 32 hour work weeks passes, would I get paid 1 hour of overtime when I hit 33 hours?