
I just had a phone interview, and the entire time I was talking about an entirely different company… They didn’t correct me until the very end. Safe to say I’m not getting this job


John Deere factory worker and I’m burnt out need advice.

Honestly I’m burnt out and miss having a life and being able to travel. I’ve saved almost 150k and am wanting to take a sabbatical. I’ve been in a relationship with a girl from the Philippines and she works for the government and said I could live there and I really want to. I just think I need to work to at least have 250k I also get a pension it’s not much but should be around 480$ a month with my service years in. Anyone else feel burnt out? And am I naive?


Unprofessional HR guy rant

So I tore my Achilles tendon at work in September. It took until December to get an MRI for a definitive diagnosis, then surgery to repair it later that month. The surgery was a complete tendon reconstruction, and was followed by 8wks off and no wt bearing on that leg. My last shift before the surgery, the HR asshole gave me an FMLA form that I promptly forgot about because it's all workers comp. Today, 3 mo later, he tossed a form at me saying my FMLA leave for my surgery was denied because it needs a Dr certification form. I looked it over, cussed a few times, and texted the injury report # to him. He came to the desk yelling at me in front of many others that he never should have filled out the 1st form, it's up to me to fix it and wouldn't listen when…


Anybody else feel this

Why is it employers can force mandatory overtime to keep from having to hire more people and that's OK. Overtime should cost more than the hiring of a replacement body to fill a need. Mandatory should be a minimum of double time with voluntary being time and a half. If they won't hire more people to fill holes it should cost the bottom line. PERIOD


Protecting Profits.

The company I work for just posted the biggest yearly profit in its near 25 year history. Best financial year it's ever had. Despite this, last month it put a ban on recruitment in all its stores. No hiring of “front line” staff, if you will, in an effort to “protect profits” during what they are expecting to be a “difficult” coming year. Any staff leave for whatever reason and they will not be replaced. And the numerous new branches we are opening in the country over the next few months have to move staff from existing stores to fill the new vacancies. No departures of staff to these new branches are being replaced at their old ones. Anyone who refuses to be “redeployed” will effectively be told they are being made redundant instead. The workload of remaining staff will obviously increase. Having said all that. Today the company, in…


Employer admitted to not sending out final check and said they were holding it until certain items were returned.

I’m so frustrated. My most recent employer admitted via email today that they were holding my check and accused me of stealing from the office (I never once did- not even a pen) and said I had until tomorrow to return the “stolen items” or my check would go in the trash, essentially. I know this is illegal. I know they can’t hold a check, and they’ve admitted in writing to doing so when they said weeks ago my check would be sent on the next payday, April 1 (or March 31 since 4/1 was a Saturday). They’ve obviously been sitting on my check for weeks waiting to find anything missing they could pin on me and blame me for this check not going out. The thing that they claim I stole wasn’t even there when I started, I told multiple people it needed to be ordered and it never…


Update on my job situation from my other post

Here is the other post: Moved, new job, and now quitting after 5 months. : antiwork ( Since, I have been applying and interviewing like crazy. 2 weeks ago, I had a week full of interviews. Some first, some second ones. I'll leave the names off for the companies, but one was fully remote, the 2nd one was in town but no remote/hybrid work, and the 3rd was in town with some hybrid. The in town one, with no hybrid, I was using a recruiter to help me with. Some fishy things happened with this one that had me worried. The job was for a Storage Architect for a very large company. The pay was 90-120k a year. I qualified for the position without any issues. They liked me a lot. I was told I was #1 on their list. Then I found out from the recruiter, after the first…


Had a mental breakdown at work 4 days ago and have not returned to work yet.

I work remotely and most of my job is managing people’s cases and assisting them with their problems through a solution in boundaries of company policy. I had experience anxiety time to time since covid lockdowns but it was always manageable and I never told anyone about this nor did I let it affect me. 4 days ago we had to work onsite as new joinees were coming in our team and I have also recently joined this company and it’s my 6th month here. I went to the office all excited and motivated that I’ll meet my team for the first time as we all work remotely and never had the chance to really meet each other. I arrived at the office and found out that I’m the only one who came to the office along with the 2 new team members. I was disappointed and even both my…


On Henry Ford

Ford had an idea and employed people to do just a small bit of the car over and over again (assembly line) “it was a revolution in workplace tedium and human meaninglessness.” – Cunk on Earth


When a Manager Overhears Co-Workers Talk About How They Hate the Capitalist System Meme