A few years ago, I met a very lively woman. She loved to talk and brag about herself. I didn't have anything against her and occasionally entertained her by simply shooting the breeze with her. She told me her husband got a one time 60k bonus (in addition to his 10% pay raise) when his “minions” received a generous 2.5% pay raise. She told me he was a VP of a non profit company. They had to give extra earnings to their employees to retain the non profit status. He constantly came up with ideas to make us worker harder without getting paid more. She had no idea I was one of his “minions”.
Full disclosure, I don't actually need this job, I'm aware of my privilege in this. We've been having some great conversations about late stage capitalism vs anarchism at work lately. Always remember that your conversations in this bubble are just practice for the important ones you have with your rl peers in your workplace and community.
down in texas
Most of the time, if you ask questions or just expose your train of thought on a matter, people will shit on you. It’s a job where I never felt free to show that I might not know something. Either they assume you are dumb (when in fact you just… have a different technical background), either they do not care. Engine developers or C++ developers in general that are agressive towards webdev, tools dev, gameplay dev.. Anything that is not remotely close to the “langage of the gods” that is C++ is a reason to belittle. I though this was something that would disappear after school, but hell no, people are still entrenched in their dumbass camps. The lack of interesting tasks most of the time. Fix this bug, introduce this functionality.. Wait for X to have availabilities to help you out deciphering his shitty specs.. Sitting all day.. The…
Moving into a new job soon and hopefully its better (but i mean its still a gross industry plus its a job so eh) but thats for later currently we have a happy buzz. It was my first corporate workplace so I took so many things as a given but the thing that really pushed me to leave was realising that it wasn't just 'toxic' it was 'abusive'. I'm a childhood abuse survivor and still getting over many things because of it. I spend every day wishing these scars weren't able to impact how I think in the current day. It was realising that hey, if i start a new position I'll probably have the same reactions, flinching when i do something that would've caused my old boss a tantrum etc etc that got me to leave. the longer i stay there the worse the psychological damage. Like in the…
Hi all, First time posting here- let me know if I need to rework or delete this. Thanks in advance. I work as an IT Support Analyst. Currently, I'm a contractor for a big University who shall remain unnamed. I have 2+ years experience, multiple certs, and am almost finished with my AS. I feel comfortable enough with this to resign and look for something else, or expand my weekend “hustle” of helping people locally with IT issues. As of today, I'm resigning, because my health and mental state have taken such a hit working here that I'm constantly suicidal. My health is failing in multiple ways and I'm done sacrificing it to appease the corporate overlords. I've been dragged along on false promises of a proper full-time position for almost the whole time I've been here. The person who kept trying to actually do something about it just quit…
Demand better pay
Hey everyone eyone just a quick reminder you don’t have to accept dog shit pay with dog shit benefits. Look at what the living wage is for your area and realize that that is a minimum. If you’re a trained professional demand more. Talk with your coworkers. If everyone demands better they can’t replace all of you. Unionize if you have to. Things can get better you just have to demand it and be willing to fight for it.
So i was thinking the other day and i kinda noticed another way it's expensive to be poor. Pay periods. When you start a new hourly job, most don't pay you until your second pay period there because they stsgger the hours you work so you aren't paid for them til the next two weeks, not this one. Let me lay out why this screws over poor people: i got laid off, i was a manager at a local resturaunt, was promised a future there, but the owners sold the business and the new owner replaced me with his son. Since then I've been doing doordash to keep some income coming while i look for a new job. But. In the town i live doordash sucks, im lucky to maje 60$ a day, and that's on weekends. Im literally living day to day. If i don't work every day til…
I notified my manager I’d like to report a HIPAA violation. How do I go about filing this?