
Advice on quitting a job with nothing lined up.

Hello, I am a Product Designer with two years of experience, and am considering leaving my job with nothing lined up. I have gotten a lot of rejection emails, but I want to be sure I am doing the right thing. Apologies in advance for the long read, I just need to provide some context. I KNOW THERE IS NO IDEAL WORKPLACE BUT THESE ARE THE REASONS WHY I AM CONSIDERING LEAVING: The workplace environment is not encouraging. Suggestions from employees and designers are not considered. I try to give an opinion, and I am tagged as “going against authority.”, I try to go with the flow but feel like I am losing a part of myself. I keep working on designs that do not go into production. I have designs I worked on under pressure and on a tight deadline, only to have them archived because the company wants…


Advice on separating from work?

So, long story short, I get too worked up and emotionally invested in my work. I have a problem of taking things personally. It's definitely something I need to work on. My boyfriend has tried to help, as he dealt with the same thing before in his career. He said “before you get worked up about something at work, think about how much it is hurting you more than it really should.” He's pretty zen when it comes to separating his identity from work (more like it's just a job, end of story). I struggle with that, I think due to how my family's attitudes are similar to mine when it comes to work (you work hard, it's a major part of your identity, being productive is the ideal, etc, etc. not healthy, I know). I want to know if anyone has developed a way to disassociate from their work…


Hit our yearly target a month early and got this instead of a pizza party


My former preceptor-turned-coworker keeps twisting my words and bullying me. Can I report her for causing a hostile work environment?

I'm sorry if this isn't the right subreddit. But I need advice. And I am having nightmares about this. I used to be an intern where this woman, “Emily”, was my preceptor. She would do things like make remarks on my painted nails (“Did you know that nail polish has formaldehyde in it?”), open doors for me to walk through and loudly complain, “I do everything for everyone and I'm so tired of it”, and complain that my presence as an intern was impacting her workflow. Needless to say, I stopped asking her questions when I needed help, because she would get upset and snap at me. After my internship, I moved states. She ended up being hired after me with the same job title at my new company. As soon as she got hired, she turned around and asked me, “I know I was hard on you during your…


Laid off today, despite stellar reviews – at least it’s my cake day, so I’ve got that going for me.

Laid off today, right before my son's birthday and Christmas. Just fabulous. I was making a positive impact, my team loved me, great reviews… just cant escape the sweeping tech/biotech layoffs. I wonder if they axed so many people right now so they wouldn't have to pay our salaries for the 5 paid upcoming company holidays? I'll give myself the weekend to pull out of this sad/shame spiral, then start a job hunt … (can I just get a daily root canal instead? ) and finding Healthcare coverage, and filing for unemployment, and trying not to get overwhelmed. BUT my son is happy and healthy, we have a tiny savings so this is not a lose-our-(rented)home emergency, Christmas is coming (at least I have more time to make croissants, cookies, and fudge now?), my husband and I already agreed to pair back spending this holiday, and it's my 9th cakeday.…


I don’t want to hear people saying Gen Z doesn’t want to work

Hello everyone who comes across my reddit post. Let’s cut the the chase I have applied 96 jobs and heard nothing I been trying to work and have been applying for the past 4 months .My mother and other people say I am lazy and I don’t want to work but in reality I want to work for money to fund my college. As I was applying my uncle said you’re lazy you probably don’t want to work and aren’t even applying I don’t understand your generation you guys want everything cater to you and don’t want to work etc. and I was just pissed and told him I am now he’s giving me an ultimatum if I don’t get a job by march he’s kicking me out. I’m applied to chilis and other restaurants and they say they would be looking at my job application and yet I see…


Just left my job. Update 1

Last week posted left my job of 12 5 years , toxic boss. Just got new position. Worked out well, new boss is low key and chill. Same salary but better opportunity for bonuses. Heard from my former coworkers, my leaving shook the owners, they have never been nicer and more engaged since i left. At least their lives are better for the short term. My leaving won't ruin the company, but if the woman who does the books leaves for the same reason I left, the company will probably close up. Owners won't be able to replace her quickly and they are older and shaky health, won't be able to work the hours needed to make things work smoothly. She had interviews and used me as a reference and i talked to one prospective employers for her , I'll update if anything happens.


2 days to find a new job

I work for an after school program in California. I love my job and I love my kids. The best part is I can take my son with me so I don't need to pay a babysitter and he gets to play with kids his age. Today (Fri Dec 8), our district manager let me know that he doesn't have enough hours to let me come in for the foreseeable future. I've also been instructed to not come in on Monday for the same reason. He said it came from corporate. Apparently, they hired more staff for this district because they predicted more kids would join but when the membership numbers didn't meet their expectations, they're now stuck with too many employees and too little hours. I'm really mad because my husband and I both work part time. My husband who manages a tea shop was promised full time hours…


I love working 60 hours a week and getting told to just find another job.

Currently living with my grandmother because I can't afford rent(shocker I know) being unemployed for 3 months eradicated 2 years of savings and I'm just now getting back on my feet and have a new job. My grandmother doesn't understand that the cost of literally everything has increased while wages have stagnated. “Well I worked 2 or 3 jobs” yes and it was worth it because your money gave you buying power now our money is worthless and she's chalked It up to Me being lazy or not wanting to work. I've tried explaining to her that inflation is hitting incredibly hard right now and it feels almost impossible to get ahead. I'm sick of hearing I'm making excuses like the “economy” it's not an excuse it's the reality of many Americans. It feels hopeless especially when my generation has been fed the idea of the American dream our entire…


Fuck working in the US

I’m so tired. I’m sick as a dog right now. I have to choose between: Going into work and being miserable, making everyone uncomfortable, putting others at risk of getting sick, and prolonging my illness due to a lack of rest. Calling off work and missing an entire day of pay, losing all the OT I accumulated this week, and causing my (also suffering) coworkers to be mega understaffed on our busiest day of the week. Using one of my whopping 5 PTO days! I will never have two consecutive days off (retail) so using PTO kills me. An isolated day off does not allow me to fully relax, as I always either work or have work the next day. I never just have a day to exist. I’m so burnt out I can’t waste it on sick days. Not to mention our job recently put up all of these…