
U.S. surgeon general says workplaces are taking a toll on Americans’ mental and physical health

“And the report also says that providing a living wage is critical to mental and physical health.”


Are Things Reaching a Boiling Point?

Is it just me, or is the proverbial shit about to hit the fan? Is anybody else getting that feeling, kind of like when you know a bad storm is coming? We have all of these companies making billions of dollars, prices continue to skyrocket, meanwhile the same companies continue to “tighten their belts” and enact hiring freezes, pile more and more work onto fewer people, and refuse to increase wages at all. It feels like this is coming to a head. This is not going to continue to be sustainable. The bubble is about to burst. I’m reminded of a quote that I heard in a tv show once: “Society is always two missed meals from complete anarchy. If you miss one meal, you will make plans to do whatever it takes to not miss a second”. I feel like the more people feel the noose tightening, and the…


How to make it through til I get another job?

The number of breakdowns I’ve had at work because of my passive aggressive, condescending, micromanaging boss is too high. I’m actively applying to other jobs and finally caved and talked to HR about some of what’s going on. They sounded concerned but won’t do anything until they talk to him about some of what I’ve said. Some things are actively illegal: being racist and requiring all Latina team members to come to a meeting so he’d be more likely to get money donated from a particular family (he called one team member out of clinic for this and after she protested he gave her an earful), ADA violations, HIPAA violations, and not giving leave information/resources to someone after reporting an assault. I’m angry and want something done to hold him accountable but in the meantime I just want to survive until I get a new job. Does anyone have any…


Had Covid that was the beginning of the end

Are we required to stay in constant contact with our employer when we are our sick? Particularly when we have Covid? I had it a few weeks ago and earlier this week my new supervisor(who gave me Covid) said I didn’t communicate enough when I was out with Covid. Then she said I didn’t communicate at all. I have pages of emails and texts that refute that. Keep in mind, this much communication when sick is not required of anybody else. I was even emailing the entire time when I was at the hospital and 14 minutes after I left the hospital. Long story short (too late) her inaccurate accusations about my communication while out with Covid escalated into an argument and I quite my job. Thanks for letting me vent.


Sign outside my work says 4 day week but here’s the catch.

It's 4 days of 10 hours and what they don't tell you is you have to serve another 8 on Friday, and I have to go in again this Saturday to make up work lost to a busted machine.


I got new rules I count ’em


The Art of War


the future of democracy is random selection, not professionalization, of government


Oregon Measure 112 would remove slavery, involuntary servitude provision of Oregon Constitution


Pro Tip – If your employers starts talking about “but what if you died on the way home” or “if a plane crashed and you were in it”. They are about to fire you…. don’t give them shit.