
Amount of notice?

Hi there, first time poster here. I'm working a job which I hate – there's a lot of hustle culture, conflicting directions, and I don't get along with my boss. As I'm looking at new roles, I'm considering start dates of about a month or 6 weeks out, if I should get an offer with companies I'm in process with now. This is partly bc I'm likely taking a pay cut so I need time to get my budget right, and partly bc im about to start 4 day weeks in January, and I want to get a few of those long weekends in before leaving. I'm thinking I might not give notice right away if I get something, and instead do the standard 2 weeks of notice, despite having another job secured. What do you all think?


Boss expects me to use PTO and make up the time on the weekend

Ok, so I am a salary employee and regularly stay past my end time of 4pm when needed, no problem. But this week has me so upset. I missed 6 hours of work on Wednesday because I was sick. So my boss told me to put in pto. I told him that I have a lot of work to do so would he like me to put in the pto or work the hours. His response was that I needed to put in the 6 hours of pto AND work over this weekend if I need to in order to get caught up. Honestly, if he makes me put in 6 hours of pto I'll prob not work at all this weekend. What are everyone's thoughts? If it wasn't all in the same week I could see him wanting me to enter the 6 hours of pto, but not if…


McDonald’s, The Heritage Foundation, And Minimum Wage Myths


I resigned yesterday, my ex-boss is withholding my pay until I send over all the files a created when working there.

I was the marketing lead and graphic designer for two years for a small independent bookstore in Utah (USA). I was an hourly employee. I never signed any contracts when getting hired or throughout my time there. I quit yesterday because my boss is a snake woman who I couldn’t justify abuse from anymore. Before I left, I put all my graphic design files on a flash drive and cleared everything from my work computer. Ex boss just sent a text that she’s withholding my last paycheck until I send her everything. What are my rights as a graphic designer here? Are the files mine, or does she have rights to them since I made them while working for the company?


Question on Wisconsin law

For context: I live in the Milwaukee area, and I had jury duty the week of Thanksgiving from Monday to Wednesday; I called my manager the day I got the jury summons and let him know what was up, this was well before the actual day and even during the lead up to the dates I reminded him about it The company policy states that for an employee to get holiday pay they have to show up the day prior and the day after said holiday to receive the pay, however this week when I saw my check in the pending section of my banking account I noticed something was off, so I contacted my manager and asked about it, his response was that since I didn't show up on Wednesday (which is the beginning of my work week of 4 days straight) I wasn't receiving the holiday pay and…


Christmas gift for the boss

Welp, it finally happened. The office kiss ass sent out an email late morning today asking if we wanted to go in on a gift for the boss and if we had any suggestions on what the gift could be. We are a team of 8 and 4 of us are non-family members (the kiss ass is also not a family member). She also didn't include any of the staff family members in the email. I really thought I was in the clear this year. I totally disagree with gifting up but it's hard to be the first one to say no in such a small group. So far, no one has answered, but it's only been 30 minutes. I have the money to give but girl…you do realize she makes money hand over fist from our labor, right?? THAT'S HER GIFT ALL YEAR 'ROUND! Also, I don't even know…


Ohhhh it feels f*cking GOOOOOOD


Does anyone work for places/companies with policies they actually really *like*, and would like to see implemented/emulated elsewhere?

So yesterday I put out a request on r/antiwork for feedback on a PTO policy we've implemented at my company (full disclosure: I am the owner), and while generally people seemed to think it was a solid idea, I got a LOT of great comments about things I hadn't thought of (like the impact on PTO payout/severance pay, explicit highlighting of family leave, etc.). This got me thinking… Does anyone work for a company that has policies/programs they really like? Policies/programs that make want to keep working on the company (even if other things aren't perfect)? Looking for things I might be able to consider and implement/adapt as growth allows, especially if they are atypical/out of the box! I'm based in the US (NY specifically) but we model some of our stuff after Europe, so international suggestions are welcome as well!


Norwegian government calls Tesla to meet regarding strike in Sweden The Norwegian political party “Arbeiderpartiet” (Workers party) has called a meeting with Tesla regarding the strike in Sweeden. They have said that they want to clarify Tesla's stance with regard to the norwegian law covering unionizing and workers rights. Its not a victory yet, but all of scandinavia (northern Eurpoe) has now began to take action against Tesla.


“Do you believe in life after work?” Graffiti in Florence, Italy