
Training for a new remote job where we have to be on camera at all times

The training is 8 weeks. We’re at week 7 and we’re about to revolt against this instructor. I’d like to take myself off camera to sneeze but this lady is so nosy, the moment I go off camera she’ll be asking questions


If you suspect that your employer is stealing from you

To report WAGE Theft in the United States ,,,, Down load this app ​ ​


How do I express discomfort road tripping with someone I barely know?

I just started a new job and they want myself, my boss, and a coworker to drive to another state on Sunday for training through next week. They sprung this on me last week which I'm not thrilled about as its a 6 hour drive on my day off. On top of that, they're expecting me to drive my coworker there as well. I barely know this guy. No part of me wants to spend a 6 hour road trip with a guy who's essentially a stranger. Does anyone have advice on how to tactfully avoid this? I don't mind going. I'm getting paid by the mile to drive. But fuck doing this with someone else.


Help me understand.

Just venting a little bit.I'm truly grateful for this subreddit. I've learned so much regarding workplace behavior, good vs bad management, wages, inflation etc. I don't post often but this really irks me. I just came from the store and I see a news heading stating that 199,000 jobs were added in the month of November. Reporter saying that inflation has been “kept under 4% for much of the past 18 months.which indicates a “Strong economy “. There is no way majority feel this way. This isn't the first time I've seen these job reports but I'm so frustrated at the news making it seem like everything is growing when it's not. And where can I find these thousands of jobs that they've added cuz I'm certain there not paying 60k and up. Please let me know if the economy is truly growing and I'm just naive or misinformed.


Boomers need to retire

Mini rant LOL but I cannot believe a boomer who makes 5x my salary cannot do basic things when we are expected to the absolute most. My boomer boss does not know how to use technology and refuses to use anything electronic. Our office is living in the past by using paper everything. They do not know how to use email and attach a document. They print and scan it or fax it to themselves. They cannot use any of the apps they require us to master to a tee. I could go on LOL They can't even remember to go on meetings or they forget everything. I feel like all the higher ups are older and refuse to retire. I am normally really patient with older people but these people are just so mean and ignorant. They treat everyone at the office like absolute garbage but they can't see…


Corporate Christmas Sadness

Tech company that surpassed all KPIs for the year: “Well you don’t get to have a christmas bonus or anything of the sort buuuut YOU GET A MAGIC SHOW VIA ZOOM DURING YOUR OFF HOURS” Can’t even attend as I have personal commitments, no one was asked about availability. I still can’t buy Christmas gifts or afford a nice Christmas dinner because salary is just enough for basic debt and living expenses, but thanks for the magic I guess.


No pay today

I work for a huge corporation with over 200 locations each with 50ish employees and today we didn't get paid. The company decided to swap to a new payroll system and this is our first payperiod using it and….surprise it didn't work! No idea when everyone will get their money we only got an email that was essentially a shit sorry guys.


I “lost” my job

Tl;Dr My manager targeted me for months I'll start from the beginning I guess of the absolute hell this job was just due to my manager. My coworkers were and are amazing, they always encouraged me and stuck their neck out for me. The only problem was this manager. I was fresh out of training, and was on my first week of work. A new policy came out for our job, and I followed it to a T. Later that week, my manager comes up to me and tells me that I did the policy wrong and that others are getting fired for it. This was both a terrible threat and just plain wrong. She went up to FIVE people to ask if she was incorrect, and only then did she apologize. A few weeks later I get a flood in my apartment, and since this is a hybrid job…


Today I got in trouble for using the name Karen in an example

Was demonstrating how to use a system and used the name Karen Smith and was told we aren't allowed to use the name Karen. coool. ​


I need to fly home to see my fam for the first time in a year. My team leader has been asking me to take my last annual leave, but couldn’t tell me how much I had left.

How to I make it clear I'm not asking him but telling him? I don't mind losing the job tbh so that's no worry. I'm a public nursery janitor