
Screw me? Nah, screw yoh.

So… I worked for a federally funded program through the state of Texas. I was a civil rights advocate. I was LITERALLY hired because of my advocacy skills. My boss was promoted and I was hired to take his old position. Dude was an absolute dick. The least personable guy I have ever met. Fast forward through my probation period… his promotion isn’t working out for him. He wants his old job back, meaning I am fired. It was labeled an “involuntary termination”. I literally didn’t do shit to get fired but here we are. I was offered 1 week of severance pay. I got a termination letter that stated I would be paid on November the 6th for “all pay due” including my severance pay. They waited a week and emailed me again and said that it was an error and I actually had to wait until December to…


Going to work in 2023 be like


Work is starting to affect my mental health but I can’t quit because I’ve already been laid off recently

I know this is probably better off in other subreddits that handle mental health better. I just felt that the way things have gone with my job I needed to talk about it here. First off the pay is shit. Yeah sure it's better than nothing and it's not under 10 dollars an hour, but I started off my work career almost 10 years ago. Sure I bounced around other jobs, but it's freaking ridiculous I'm having to settle for fucking minimum wage every time I want a job. I've tried to interview for jobs paying more than that and got declined often. I could practice all I want, but fumble during the interviews trying to come up with answers on the spot since I'm not great when something is on the line. Secondly they don't seem to care at all when you actually do your job well. Sure they…


Paid Sick Leave Laws by State for 2024

Just an FYI. I hope this could help someone who didn't know about it, but there are states with a mandatory sick time pay and laws. Even if not much I hope this makes a difference in someone's life


1% Annual Raise

I started with a new company back in the summer and was just briefed by my manager on the annual bonus/pay increase. As expected, my bonus payment was prorated for the amount of time I was with the company (115/365 days). What I wasn't expecting was the annual raise to also be prorated. 1%. My manager goes on to say “I know this is kind of low, but if you do some math based off of your time with the company you can see what you would typically get with us” That's about a 3% raise. Not bad/not great Money is money, so I'm not truly complaining. This is my first time working for a large corporation and I just found this to be a good example of corporate penny pinching


Managers messaged me during paternity leave.

And it’s really pissed me off. I got phone calls and emails from 2 different managers asking me why I’m not at work. I work in a call centre and I can see that the schedule for me still hasn’t been updated to show I’m on paternity leave despite asking my manager to update it multiple times and getting ignored. It’s like they don’t give a shit


I hate doing other people’s work because my boss doesn’t back our team up.

Sorry personal rant. Not sure if other people experience this in their job but I HATE that my boss does not go to bat for my team. Every time there is an issue that we have to investigate why it happened, and it turns out it was another team, my boss then says that we should be doing the work to “cover our ass.” She doesn’t go to the managers of the team and talk to them, she just puts more work on our plate. I’m sick of skipping lunches or working til 6, 7, 8pm at night to do all of my work and some of theirs. I dream about the day I tell HR in my exit interview that this manager was the WORST manager I’ve ever had.


Am I wrong for not wanting to train the new employee?

I work as an administrative assistant for the state government. We are getting a new employee Monday and i am 1 of 5 people who are considered seasoned employees. This new employee is replacing an old employee that I trained but had a falling out with our supervisor and left for another division in the building. The new employee sits right behind me but the only reason I know we are getting 1 is the manager not our direct supervisor was putting her name badge on her cubical and said oh yeah she starts minday. My thing is, I'll probably get asked to train her not in our job description but I feel like since I wasn't officially told about her, I shouldn't have to do it? Tldr new employee would you train them if you were told last minute?


Learn from the apes.


Interesting video essay that creatively explores the yearning for Apocalyptic oblivion that puts an end to the Eternal grind.