
Salary decreased post-offer


Granted the week off without pay for reporting an abusive manager…

So a couole weeks ago, this guy blew up and threw something across the room. Not at anyone, but still. I took note. Last week he berated and abused my coworker in front of me as normal, but he also did this in front of staff and guests, also directed toward me. I tried to tell him I would explain how we got behind (we were one short and he wasn't there for backup) after we got through this push. We had a conversation the last time this happened and I let him know I'm not going to be yelled at for things beyond my control or any reason. I had to take a stand, and an involuntary week off without pay for disclosing his behavior to the owner. I'm supposed to accept this without question. I lose. And I don't want to go back unless he is gone. I…


They want to be able to treat foreign employees worse than they already do and not have consumers know about it


The Philippine government posted a job offering with a salary of $144 USD a month. Qualifications include having a Bachelor’s Degree and a vehicle (preferably).


Told my manager I’m quitting, so she takes me off the schedule, but then…still asks for a two week notice?


Recruiter texts the wrong number, gets schooled.


I got ghosted even after getting a response on LinkedIn lol


I can’t find work

It is my desire to make money. It is my desire to have a steady income of money. It is my desire to have a source of money. I do not know what steps that I should take. I do not know if I should get in a job that is not good . I do not know if I should get a job at a random whim. I do not necessarily need to survive off of money because of the food pantries and the church is giving out food every day. one or two days out of the week I may not get that much food but it’s still enough to keep me fed for now I want money I want an apartment I want a car or some mode of transportation, I want to get off the streets but everyone has their own thing going for them that…


a funeral directors dilemma

I've been a funeral director for 15 years at an 8 million dollar family owned firm. I love my job, but the workload is crippling to me and my fellow coworkers who can't slow down because the people that suffer are the families we serve. The chapel I work at is the busiest one we have in the country. So we just keep chugging along because we care too much. At one point during the height of covid families had to wait at least a week to make arrangements and at least another week to have their services. Try telling a Karen only 10 people can be here for her moms funeral when she has 8 siblings. It was soul crushing to get yelled at all the time for things that were not up to us like mask mandates and such. We all suffer from anxiety and depression. Most of…


A meme I made a few months back…

I made a meme/video about how companies like Family Dollar and Dollar General exploit workers by making more money from violating labor laws than they do from obeying them… ​ ​ Sound quality on it may be a bit shit, but this video is criminally under viewed and I wanted some feedback.