
Laid off 2 weeks before Christmas.

What it says on the tin. We've decided to fold the company into our sister company and your job is redundant. Best of luck in your future endeavors. Your last check and a week (A WHOLE WEEK!) of severance will be mailed upon receipt of your equipment. Sigh I'm almost 40. I'm getting too old to job hunt and learn new skills and I still haven't figired out who and what I want to be when I grow up. I worry about my son, this is the third time a financial setback has stopped us getting him into preschool. I'll find other work, eventually, I know. Even if it's just part time garbage, gotta make ends meet somehow. Mostly I'm just fucking tired. I'm tired of feeling like my life's worth is predicated on what I do for people with more money than I'll ever see. That my ability to…


I lost my dad to Jimmy John’s

He's alive. But he chose sandwiches over us. He's been completely taken over by this stupid job. He leaves for work by 5am every day (2:45am on Wednesdays to do inventory). Normally, at least one driver at one of the restaurants calls out every day, so he's also the closing driver and gets home around midnight. Every day. He is supposed to be off work on Sunday and Monday, but this is an extremely rare occurrence. When he is off that half a day every few months or so, the phone rings nonstop and we can't even have a conversation. It has gotten worse over the years but now I think he's just addicted to the power trip of management, and enjoys feeling important. I live way out of state now and don't get to see him as much as I'd like to, but I go out of my way…


Having a fever and feeling unfit to make it in. “Boss” responded with this. What do I even say in this case? -crosspost


Work making hourly employees clock out for the holiday party.

And we would need to use PTO to make up for the time. Am I crazy or is that completely ridiculous? I feel like there’s a weird acceptance among my coworkers of certain policies and procedures that seem unfair. I said fuck it, I’m not going. I’m relatively new to this job. I’m glad I found out about this sooner rather than later so that I can avoid these events in the future. Anyone have a similar experience?


Possible MRSA exposure at work

I'm hoping I can get some advice. I work in an inpatient mental health facility, and today I got a call from a coworker informing me that one of our clients had admitted to using drugs with a friend who is diagnosed with MRSA. Since returning to our facility he's been reporting pain and redness in an open wound on his leg… I have severe health anxiety and I am terrified to go to work tomorrow. Our supervisor has been informed but he doesn't want to take any action without official direction from the higher-ups. He's “waiting to hear from them” but what if they brush it off too? If this person is infected, neither staff nor clients are safe from catching it. What do I do??


Tesla faces scandinavia revolte.

'You can't just make your own rules': Tesla faces Scandi revolt as Danes join Swedish strike”


Another Christmas Potluck UGH

Maybe I’m being entitled but for the 4th year in a row since Covid my company is doing an office potluck for the Christmas party. We’re a MULTI billion dollar global company. I understood when Covid happened that money was uncertain but really? This year we reached record profits. Precovid they used to rent out a nice restaurant. Now I have to bring something or donate to get catered food? I might skip it this year to prove a point. Not that anyone would care


Well, I think this will get me blacklisted oh well though.


Manager said I’m too forgetful and said I might make us look stupid at work… Joke’s on her.

My manager “Dana” is one of those micro managers. I work in healthcare, but I am basically an IT Project Manager that works remotely for a department that creates automation solutions for our company. Dana is new to management but not the company. (She’s been a manager for six months and I started reporting to her because of a reorg about two months in to her manager role. Dana is probably the worst manager I’ve ever had. She’s really combative, doesn’t trust us to do our jobs, micro manages, and constantly challenges our work. I’ve been with the company for two and a half years. I’m considered a high performer based on previous annual reviews. Dana was speaking to me during my 1 on 1 and gave me feedback I was too forgetful. (All because I forgot one small detail. It didn’t even impact the project, but Dana jumped on…


First to answer loses