Am I in the wrong for being angry about this??? I am usually ALWAYS on time if not 10 minutes early, but the past 2 days I've been a few minutes late..not by much. I've only worked at this place for 2 and a half months and they're ALREADY writing me up for such bs reasons. Not to mention, they also threatened to write me up for “not learning to close the store fast enough”. Am I overreacting? Is this unfair? Thanks.
My boss is a Disgusting Human.
I joined this job at the beginning of january after being jobless for 4 months. I think my people sensor is broken as I didn't realize what a horrible and disgusting human my boss is. He came off so sincere, nice and charming that everyone can't help but like him as a human atleast. I have seen him charming clients, other employees, vendors and most of the people he comes in contact with but now I know the reality I can't seem to think of him as anything but evil. He heartlessly and cruelly destroyed his last company in front of us and destroyed his partner of the last 2 years and left her with nothing, taking away her company, her assets and everything she built in her whole life. He gloated about that in front of us ( employees) smiling and laughing like he did some great thing. He…
I am trying to keep this short as possible, so warning. I get hooked in by a pyramid scheme property/casualty insurance job by their fancy office, generous hospitality, and “work hard enough and you will make a lot of money” BS. First month goes well: free lunches at nice restaurants, everyone is cool & chill, a company retreat/training period. Second Month is when things turn to poop. The open office environment becomes a nightmare, commuting sucks, the starting meagre pay of 40k looked better when I was unemployed, but not so great now. In addition, if you didn't have any personal network, you were told to make “visits” all day and report back to the office. Essentially, drive around Dallas-Fort Worth TX all day to knock on empty Mortgage Lender offices and then coming back to an open office to get chewed out. Work from home was discouraged even though…
My hotel has turned the volume up on all of the “security” cameras so they can listen to employees talking amongst themselves and has already reprimanded one employee for talking about how a manager is rude and doesn't do her job privately with another coworker, no guest was present. I live in a right to work state so I think there's nothing I can do besides be a smartass and directly call out the Nazi behavior. Any suggestions?
Lack of compassion to young employees
When I was seventeen, I got my first job at a major department store. I was dutiful, took the train 30 minutes away, even catching the last train home around midnight. I did my best. That year my mom beat my younger sister. I remember crying so hard. I called into work for the first time. The manager on duty said, “how does this affect you.” When I told him I'm crying my eyes out and I don't know what's going to happen to my sister, he said, “I'm not going to accept this excuse anymore”. I was shocked. I worked that job a few more months then quit. No job lined up. I will say that any time after I applied for retail jobs it was usually a week before I got a call back. As my own daughter approaches this age and is looking at working,I encourage her…
Lowballing is an understatement
Boomers are mad at… boomers.
My work had a presentation last week from the department of workforce services. The meeting was about 60 boomers and maybe 10-20 younger people. Most of them were republican from some of the comments I heard through other presenters. The presenter gets to the labor shortage and asks what people think is the reason for it. “No one wants to work” “Lazy young people” “Too much free money” “Everyone wants to work from home” (Not sure what this last one has to do with it) Imagine all of their surprise when he presents scientific evidence that the cause is boomers retiring. Further, boomers retired and have all this wealth that younger generations don’t even begin to compare to. Lastly, boomers, and following generations, didn’t have enough kids to replace them when they got older and retired so now it’s impossible to have enough people to replace them. Crickets!