Ive seen the absurd prices, the crazy medical care and fees, the low low wages, some are forced to rely on tips, even crazier rent, the amount of unhealthy additives thrown into the average product etc. I'm in England, I could go on and on but for what reason do you guys not move out? Is it for family, for debt or your passport doesn't allow you? Thanks.
An interesting outlook at the job market
In the last couple years, there have been more jobs than people who need them, yet many of these jobs go unfilled. What’s happening is an odd inversion of where employee scarcity usually exists: it’s generally Silicon Valley type jobs that have trouble getting filled because, while there are lots of workers, there aren’t enough with the proper education. What’s happening now is it’s low-wage service jobs that can’t get filled, because there are too many people with degrees in the field. People are going to college more and more because they can’t live on poverty wages, which is leaving poverty-wage jobs unfilled. This is kind of what I’ve assumed would happen for a while. For most middle-class jobs, you don’t actually need a college education to perform them. I temped in an office job once doing work I could have performed in seventh grade, but, since I didn’t have…
Ex-boss denying my unemployment claims
I've been trying to get unemployment benefits for several weeks now because my former boss just cut my hours and then took away the last week. I gave a two week notice beforehand and I was previously not going to send the notice because I felt like he would be the type to just take away all the hours. Well, I should've trusted my intuition. He also kept contesting my unemployment claim. My state also allows for UI claims when it comes to giving notices and then being discharged. I quit only because I had to relocate as well, the area was unaffordable (I earned min. wage 30-40 hrs a week, rent is 70% of my income). The last week of hours would've really been helpful for travel and renting. I rode my bike to work practically everyday in the freezing weather because there was no proper transit and I…
The last will be the first.
Every time…
I’m a bartender, but I’m not very social in my off time. More often than not I’m wiped until I go back to work. I live about a minute and a half walk away from the bar I work at so in the last six months, especially since both my partner and Is family have been dealing with extreme health issues, I’ve started keeping my phone on do not disturb on my days off, so I can recharge and spend time with my partner and dealing with my responsibilities. I had a long weekend this week because I had a court ordered class I had to attend so I’ve been off for 5 days. I showed up tonight and was promptly fired by my brand new manager because ‘part of my job is keeping my phone on and replying to group texts’ I turned my phone off do not disturb…
So, on my review sheet, my boss didn't know how to change my review sheet from the 3 out of 5 baseline on the annual review sheet. He of course thinks I'm doing a great job, but is so incompetent at his that he can't change a file. Or be bothered to ask around to change it. I'm Union and topped out on the payscale, but man, that stings. Coming from a dude with “One team, One fight” on all his emails, it's just another reminder that your boss couldn't give two shits about you. You aren't family, you aren't part of any team, you are expendable. Don't forget it. Join a union, so even when you get saddled with shitter bosses, at least you will get paid.