
Truth is in the subtext


Totally agree with this


Home ownership? Silly person, you actually want to rent!


We should refer to landlords and huge company owners as royalty with disdain so that the workers can form in-groups to pursue justice and better living and working conditions.


Unemployment benefits and severance?

If you’re laid off and offered a severance package and you accept, are you still entitled to unemployment benefits?


Management ignoring union

My coworker showed up an hour late, meaning he is working 6 and 1/2 hours instead of 7 and 1/2. Union rules state that anyone working over 6 hours gets one 15 and one 30. Management refused to give him the 15. The coworker in question doesn’t want to bring it up because he doesn’t want to cause problems. But it upset me because the managers like to follow the breaks to a T and blame the union when it’s convenient for them. But then this happens and they are acting like union rules are a suggestion. So my question is, can I go to the union about this situation? Or is it something that my coworker would have to bring up?


What degree can I get to get a good job and escape sales?

I’m very discouraged at the moment. I’m looking at degrees and comparing them to Indeed and other job posting websites. I’m 29, make decent money in sales but words can’t express how over it I am. I hate the culture, I hate how unstable it is, all of it. I was interested in a Bachelors in Computer Science or Cybersecurity from WGU so I could still work and pay my bills while getting my degree. But EVERY company wants a degree and 5+ YEARS experience in the field before you start to make enough money to live comfortably. Am I stuck working sales jobs the rest of my life? What the fuck do I do?! Please help me.


The Employee Free Choice Act would have done wonders for American unions & American workers. Of course it never passed. Matter of fact, some states were so scared of empowering workers that they passed constitutional amendments against this bill.


What in the world is gonna happen when most people can’t afford to get to work?

The prices don't stop going up. Every little thing that's a basic necessity just keeps rising. I feel like the economy is just gonna grind itself to death, and eventually cities and countrysides will be littered with violence, suffering, and death. Everyone I know is stressed out, juggling their expenses on a hour by hour basis to survive. I can't even do my job properly these days since my mind is just reeling over how much is stressing me out. I feel like it'd be better to just stop breathing and die in a ditch so I don't have to deal with this life for one more day of this. This isn't living, it's waiting to die a horrible death


Ended my $6/article freelance journalism job 2 months ago

It was a week between the first 2 chatlogs. I worked for them for 3 years and that was enough; plus they slighted me in a way I found unfair. And after all of this they tried to twist my words to make it sound like I was taking advantage of them. Nowadays I’m happy. But the last 3 years were something I’m a fool for by working for them. During my time I wrote roughly almost 1,300 articles, averaged well over the minimum of 300 words apiece. I’ve interviewed big names, reviewed really cool things, even got a reference in an article in the New York Times. Still got only $6 per, which shows how much they care more about churning out content than paying their due or respecting their employees or contractors. My advice to those looking for a job like this: know your worth and work for…